Hospital Party • Chapter 5

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"Hello Ms. Perez, you are live on ABC News!", a man said.

"I didn't ask for this...", I say dryly.

"So! How did you get shot?", a woman said enthusiastically holding a microphone up in my face.

"Hey, not to be rude but I am in a LOT of pain right now, so can you give me at least 24 hours to recover from being SHOT?", I snapped.

"Wow she must be mad!", she chuckles.

I page the doctor whilst looking her straight in the eyes. The doctor came in looking in shock and told them all to get out because I needed to recover.

I snickered but it hurt. Thats when I remembered, it was our birthday. I needed to call Lucia. I used to phone on the side of the bed and dialed in her number.

"Hello?, this is Lucia Perez", she says.

"Lucia. I- I'm..", I stutter.

"Oh Ara! Are you exited for our birthday?!", she asks making me tear up because she sounded so happy.

"Yes, can you put me in speaker for Team 10 to hear?", I ask.

"Sure hold on.", she tells me.

I hear a click meaning she put it on speaker.

"Okay so guys, I'm in the hospital right now.. And I don't know where I am. There was a news crew in here but I got them away..", I say shakily.

"Oh my god what happened?! Erika asks.

"I don't have my phone, I'll ask the nurse for the location so you guys can come here.", I say.

"Wait. What happened?", asks Anthony,

"I- I got shot.", I say then hang up.

After I said the word shot I heard people start to gasp but I hung up anyways because I couldn't take it anymore.

I paged the nurse and asked her if I could use her phone, she let me only because she knew who I was.

I texted Lucia my location and then gave the phone back to the nurse.

I fell asleep because they were giving me some type of drug. I woke up to the door opening really loudly and a bunch of familiar voices.

"Is she okay", I heard Ivan say as I was opening my eyes.

"She will be, but she needs a lot of rest today. Its like working out, you feel sore the next day", the doctor said.

Everyone crowded around me and was trying to talk to me all at once.

"Please stop", I say really quietly.

"I think my ears are still shot from the sound of the gun".

"I'm sorry, Ara. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me", Ivan said tearing up.

"Its our birthday and your shot", Lucia said with tears in her eyes coming up and hugging me.

I slightly laugh. "Hospital party!", I shout trying to cheer everyone up.

Everyone chuckles and hugs me.

"When can I leave?", I ask the doctor.

"Whenever you feel ready, but when you get home you need to rest", he responded.

"I'm ready to go home", I say.

We all got in a few cars and drove home. Everyone got inside without me and didn't even look back. Wow. Do they not even care about me?!

Only Lucia stayed back with me. We walked in and all the lights were off, I shut the door and the lights turned on and I saw everyone I cared about yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!", I began to tear up when I saw that Alejandro was there.

I 'ran' as fast as I could with crutches over to Ale and I let my crutches hit the floor. I hugged him as tight as I could and we hadn't even talked to eachother yet.

"I missed you", he says making me smile and a few tears going down my face.

"Me too..", I say hugging him tighter.

"Wait. How'd you get here?", I laugh.

"Your boyfriend", he smiles.

I turned to Ivan and he smiled his fucking cute awkward smile with his arms wide open.

I turned to Ivan and he smiled his fucking cute awkward smile with his arms wide open

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I hopped over to him and hugged him and pecked him on the cheek.

"So what are we gonna do?!", I shout making everyone hyped.

"Well we set up a little stage and music stuff for people to do kareoke..", says Nick looking at the stage with speakers and everything.

I blushed. "Uhhhhhh no", I say my eyes widening.

"YES! I said I wanted to hear you sing!", yells Ivan.

Everyone chanted and the 'Ohio Boys' picked me up and set me down on the stage.

"Someone get me my guitar from my room...", I said.

"Guys it's raining outside", Emilio whined.

"Its fine Emilio, Mother Nature and a gun shot wound can't stop me from having a good time!", I say making everyone laugh and smile.

Chance handed me my guitar and I started free styling.

(This is one of my favorite songs and it fits perfectly into this story sooo yeh! Also if you listened to the song you will notice in the beginning there is the sound of rain of rain on windows!!!)

Everyone cheered and I smiled. Everyone was telling me how amazing I was and I laughed with everyone.

We all had a lot of food and I talked with Alejandro for a few hours, I knew it must have been hard for Ivan to stay away while I was with him but I didn't care.


Thanks for reading!! This chapter was a little short but I don't care I've published 2 chapters and started writing ANOTHER book today.

Anyhow I won't be posting for a few days due to school, sorry 😬

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