| ~ sincerely MBB |

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Millie's journal entry

~ I guess I have to go meet up with Finn wolfhard for this stupid science project. Why did he seem to have such an interest in me? Why did he care so much if I'm okay when everyone can tell their words hurt me. Words are like blocks, depending on the person they can build you up but they can also destroy you.
But most people are way more than just blocks. People are like storms. Some can be as cold as a blizzard. Never letting you have a chance to be happy. I feel like winter is the season that best represents depression; dark and gloomy. I feel like my life is always winter. I wish my life didn't turn out the way it did. If my dad would've kept his job, would we be the happy brown family we once were? Or would we still end up in this shit hole of a mess?

Anyways, today in science after being paired up with the mysterious curly haired, freckled boy it was brought to our attention that we had to work on a project together.
He just looked at me and smiled after the teacher made that announcement. He then later asked for my number so he could have it in case of an emergency. I rolled my eyes and gave it to him, although i didn't really mind.

So in twenty minutes I'll be in the park, studying other human beings, with Finn Wolfhard. Because I have nothing better to do on a Thursday night, of course.

                                   ~ sincerely

/// sucky chapter but kinda just realized there's seven chapters and it's only one day... oh well whoops.

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