Ch.9 A New Low.

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Zayn's P.O.V.

  This family is the only family that can go from attempting suicude to grabbing eachothers hands to say grace in the same hour. Now that all of that happened I can't help but really doubt the fact that me and Harry adopted. I wasn't ready If I had to be honest. It's just hard to say no to someone  you love.

   "Ok so since everyone is calmed down how have things been going!" Gemma asked earning a scoff from Niall who was not suprisingly sore from what just happened.

  I didn't answer because I knew if I did I'd here it from Niall later I could hear it now. " You betrayed me." Harry looked at me in a way saying that he was dissapointed I didn't say anything but I just turned to pretend that I was helping James with his food.

  "Well we just came to stay with mum for a while.." Harry began.

   "Only temporarily." I make sure to add because if anything I didn't want it to seem like I couldn't take care of my family.

  "Oh well you know you guys can stay as long as you need." Harry's mom says making me groan on the inside.

   "Liam..what ave' you been up to?" I asked leaning back in my chair...I still felt pissed off at him.

   "Not much, like I said earlier rehabilitation for my legs and other things that aren't too about you Josh." Liam explains before pushing the conversation on to Josh.

   "Um Nothing much...smoking, drinking, partying you know anything to keep me busy." he replies I chuckled at Josh's immature answer but of course Harry didn't find that amusing around James.

   "Hey don't talk like that around James please." Harry says but he looked at me.

   I just rolled my eyes because I didn't care too much for Harry when he was in daddy mode which has been pretty much every second of the day lately.

   "We should all go out for drinks tonight you know for old times sake." Liam says with a smirk on his face.

   "Uh no we just got here and We still need to get settled in and I-" I was getting so annoyed inside at the moment because there Harry went again making my decsions.

  "No I'll go out for a bit, I could use a bit of fun." I state looking at Harry signaling for him not to make my decisions.

   "Hey James lets go get ready for bed, Daddy is Tired." Harry says pushing out from the table and walking to James' High chair lifting him out of it.

   "Your tired we carried everything in you just came in and showed James off the whole time." I say under my breath not meaning for my,husband to hear it but he did.

   "Fuck you Zayn." Harry yelled.

  "Woh, woh not around....James." Josh tries to pull a joke but stops once he realizes no one else thought it was funny.

   "Zayn I need to talk to you." Harry says before holding James out for his mom to take.

  "No were eating dinna Harry so sit down."  I demand not in too loud of a voice because I didn't want them to think our relationship was that dysfunctional.

   "Zayn we can talk now or not talk at all." Harry threatens but the way he said  my name pissed me the fuck off because I'm not his fucking kid he doesn't talk to me that way.

   "Don't yell at me like a kid Harry I'm your husband not your kid." I say calmly still trying to keep the situation under control.

   "Ok then be a husband not a childish adult that gets us evicted out of our flat." Harry yells before closing his eyes...he winced at the words that he said, he knew he just exposed me for something I never wanted to be.

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