Chapter 2-T.G.I.F

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Flora's POV
Musa was crying in my arms . To be honest I didn't blame her. She's heartbroken without him. "It's ok" I whisper but I knew it wasn't, my best friend was crying and as long as she was nothing would be ok "she needs him" I thought . "He's all she wants"
I held her for a moment until she calmed down and her sobbing became muffled and gradually turned into small sniffles. She pulled away and her eyes were red she smiled at me "thanks" she said "I needed that."
"No problem sweetie " I said smiling back "hey if you don't want to go to class tomorrow you don't have to, the girls and I will tell the professors you don't feel well"
"Thanks flo" she gave a sad smile " I'll see how I go and I'll tell you ok."
"Sure sweetie " I replied.
As I was about to leave she grabbed my hand
"Flora?" She asked
"Yeah?" I answered
"Can you not tell the girls about this...not just yet anyway."
I really wanted to tell them I hated seeing one of my best friends upset, but her eyes were pleading and I knew, for her sake what I had to do
"Ok" I gave a small smile and then I took Musa to the bathroom to dry her eyes.
"Thank you ... again" she said as she dried her eyes with tissue.
"Don't worry honey" I smiled at her
We walked back to the dorm room.

Musa's POV
Flora and I were walking back to our dorms I'm so grateful to have a friend like her . I couldn't get Riven out of my head ... now Flora had mentioned him I couldn't stop thinking about him , all the fun times we had, how we used to fight but pulled through. Every time he was near me or I felt his touch I would light up inside. Even though we fought he was one of the best things I ever had . I realised no other guy could make me as happy as he did. I still get butterflies just thinking about him and every time we kissed.... oh god... I'm blushing like crazy now! I took deep breaths and closed my eyes, maybe Flora wouldn't have to lie and say I'm ill after all.
"Musa? Are you ok?" I opened my eyes and Flora was giving me a concerned look.
"Yeah." I breathed "just tired "
She nodded but I could tell she still knew something was up .
"Well we're almost there" she said giving me a reassuring smile.
When we finally arrived back at the dorm all the girls were asleep. It was pretty late so that's what we both decided to do. I said goodnight to Flora and changed into my pyjamas. I climbed into bed and buried my face in my pillow . I did this purposely so I didn't wake Tecna up. Tears started to stream down my face and all my thoughts were of him....
I don't even know where he is
I need him ... he's the only one that can help me.
He could be anywhere right now.
Probably off with some other girl.
God I'm stupid. Of course he is . It's been two years he's bound to have moved on .
Someone who's prettier than me ...better than me... I'm nothing...why else would he have left me?
God I miss him

My pillow was wet and my hair stuck to my face. Slowly, lost in my thoughts, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke the next morning in a slightly better mood . Finally it was Friday! I still didn't feel like going to class today. I just decided to tell Flora I 'wasn't feeling well ' so she could tell the teachers. I showered and changed into my outfit.

 I showered and changed into my outfit

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(This is her outfit.)
As I was walking out the dorm Bloom stopped me.
"Hey Musa . Flora says you're not feeling well but Headmistress Faragonda wants to see us in her office. About a mission." She smiled
I sighed "great" I thought "another villain that wants to kill us."
"Ok" I replied to her.
We walked in to Faragonda's office and she greeted us.
"Hello girls . It dreads me to say this but... the Trix are back and this time they are more powerful."
"Ugh I'm so done with them! When will icy learn to stay as far away from me as possible it's bad for my skin!" Said Stella but Faragonda just ignored her.
"What are they after this time?" Asked Tecna
"Well that's the problem." Faragonda said bluntly "we don't know."
"Well whatever it is we'll be ready won't we girls ?" Said Bloom
"Right." We all said in unison
"Girls this could be a dangerous mission. So I'm sending the specialists with you." Faragonda looked at us. All the girls squealed especially Stella . But I just looked down at my feet
Just another reason for me to miss him...
"Musa are you alright?" Faragonda asked me.
"She's not feeling too well headmistress " said Aisha , and thank god! I wasn't in the mood for explaining everything.
"Very well then." Said Faragonda "you may all go . Your mission starts tomorrow. Get some rest and be here at eight o'clock in the morning sharp ."
We all left and the second we got back I collapsed on my bed. This was not how I planned for today to go. I put on my headphones and turned on my music trying to get away from my thoughts

"And you never brought me flowers, never held me in my darkest hours and you left it so late that my heart feels nothing, nothing in towers."

A/N- well that was the second chapter! A lot longer than the last one. Hope you enjoyed and please let me know your opinions! See you next time - tilly_g27 xxx

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