Chapter 5- stranded

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Riven's POV
Oh. My. God. Did that just happen? I don't know what came over me, I just held her, I felt like I had to protect her. I mean I've failed in the past right? So now felt as good a time as any. I wasn't expecting her to do the same back However, it felt amazing. To feel her body pressed against mine,to feel her melting into my embrace again was one of the best feelings I had never thought I would feel again. I never wanted to let her go. I wanted to stay like this forever,to kiss her like I used to, like she used to kiss me. I missed her so so much! I hope I have changed, I hope I'm worthy enough to love her again. I'm pretty sure I saw her blush after though, cutie. Oh who am I kidding I probably blushed too. If only Stella hadn't made it more awkward.
"Oh come on you love birds!" She teased to us
"We all know your madly in love."
If it wasn't for the fact that she was right I would have asked Brandon to quit smirking and tell her to button it. But to be honest, she was 100% right, I was madly in love with her, I needed to tell her, but the trouble was, I never knew how.
I decided to distract myself.
"Timmy, do you know what hit us?" I asked.
"I'm not sure." He said "it was some sort of spell."
"Luckily the engine is not too damaged." He said
"How long do you think it will take to fix?" I asked
"A couple days at the most." He looked at me, then at Musa then back at me.
"Don't worry," he said "this ship's not going down just yet."
(A/N- see what I did there 😉#MuRi)
" I hope it never goes down." Said Brandon. I agreed.
"We should go and check out the area." Said sky taking out his sword "we'll go with you." Said Bloom signalling to the other girls to get up. "No Bloom, you girls stay here, it could be dangerous." Sky replied, walking outside and Brandon helia and Nex followed.  The girls all looked at each other in disbelief. "Was he serious?" I heard Musa remark and then all the girls followed them out. Man I love their attitude sometimes.
I smirked and Timmy and I followed them out.

Musa's POV
Despite sky's 'advice' the girls and I followed the boys outside the ship to explore our surroundings.
We appeared to be on a desert island. "What is this place?" Asked Bloom.
"I thought I told you girls to stay on board?" Said sky
"Oh come on man, you really think you could keep the winx away that easily?" Said brandon
The girls and I smirked.
"And to answer your question Bloom." Continued sky," it appears we are on a desert island."
"Well no shit Sherlock! I thought we were in Narnia!" Riven exclaimed sarcastically, I had to stifle a laugh before bloom killed the pair of us, I did however flash Riven a smile, something I haven't done in a long time I forgot how much I loved his humour!
"We should split up and look around" said sky
"Alright, every girl with a guy." Said Stella and then winked at me. God she knows how to get me pissed! That's why I love her!
Well guess who I'm with? Lucky lucky me...
I walked over to Riven and gave him a small smile. "So...guess I'm with you."
"Well unless there's another specialist around here then you're right." He said
I really didn't want to do this.
I'm not going to catch feelings again.
We all know how that ended.
But how can someone look so gorgeous when he smiles at me? And his laugh is music to my ears!
What am I doing? Stop it Musa you can't risk another heartbreak.
"So are you coming or not?" He asked and I realised I had been lost in my thoughts again.
"Oh um yeah sorry." I blushed slightly and hoped he didn't notice. Not because I was embarrassed, it was very hot! Riven and I set off walking

Riven's POV
Musa and I set off walking, I was walking ahead grinning to myself
"What's so funny?" She asked me.
"Nothing." I said "I just like the fact that I still make you blush after all this time."
She rolled her eyes
"I wasn't blushing, I'm hot!" She snapped
Yeah you are hot 😏
"Whatever you say Musa." I laughed and she glared at me.
I laughed more then.
"What now?" She asked
"You're pretty when mad." I said casually
"Shut up." She said though she still smiled.
Musa's POV
We had been walking for a while and came across an area filled with plants and trees.
"God it's hot!" I exclaimed taking my jacket off and placing it on a nearby tree stump
"Yeah." Said Riven, then he lifted his shirt up.
He paused for a moment and looked at me
"You don't mind do you?" He asked.
I felt my cheeks heating up, what do you say to that?
"Yes I do mind?" No, that makes me come across as rude, it was really hot out here anyway
"Go for it?" That makes me seem desperate
"Whatever." That makes me seem like I don't care, wait, do I care?
"Um...sure go ahead I'm fine." I finally said
Riven continued to lift his shirt revealing his abs and put it on the same tree stump as I had.
God he's attractive.
He smirked at me and in a teasing tone he said
"Stop checking me out, and help me gather things for a shelter."
"I'm not checking you out!" I lied.
"You're a terrible liar you know." He winked at me.
"Shut up!" I snapped "anyway you're one to talk you've been flirting with me this entire time!"
"How am I flirting?" He laughed.
"Oh please, like you haven't noticed!" I snapped "riven we broke up, can you please not!" It came across more aggressively than I intended.
"Fine," he said looking hurt. "I'm sorry, you have a boyfriend."
"What?!" I exclaimed, "why would I have a boyfriend?"
"You do , I saw him, before that guy who came to hug you."
I burst into laughter
"Orlando? No way!" He looked at me confused
"Come on Riven he's not my type!" I gasped "besides, do you have any idea how much older he is than me?" I asked
"He seemed the same age to me." He responded
"No seriously, he's from the Middle Ages." I said, he looked at me as if he wasn't sure whether or not I was being serious.
I sighed "we received these things, they're called stones of memory,they allow us to travel back in time to wherever the other stones are."
"Wow," He said "you girls have really upped your game since I left."
"Yeah you could say that." I replied picking up a couple of logs. "Hey, do you think these could be used to make a fire?" I asked but it was almost like I was talking to myself as he didn't respond. "Riven?" I turned around to find him staring at me. "Hey!" I said.
"What? Oh sorry... just lost in thought." He replied. "What were you thinking about?" I asked him.
He sighed and moved closer to me. Then he looked into my eyes, I found myself looking back into those dreamy, magenta eyes remembering how I used to get lost in them so easily. Then he said "I missed you Musa, I really missed you."
A lump formed in my throat but I swallowed it back so I could speak without my voice breaking. "I missed you too Riven." It came out easier than I expected, it was a relief, I felt like I was free after saying it. No more pretending to be ok. No more faking my emotions. I was being totally honest and it felt like I could breathe again. Like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Because I knew I could be myself around him.
I parted my lips and tilted my head slightly and Riven did the same, I felt his warm breath on my skin as our faces moved closer, my cheeks flushed and my heart was beating fast.

A/N- hey you wonderful people!
I just wanted to say thank you for 600+ reads and for voting!! I love you guys so much. 💗 Sorry for not updating in ages! I've been super busy and something personal came up but don't worry I'm ok. Also there may or may not be a little surprise for you MuRi shippers in the next chapter! (They aren't getting back together but they will in a couple more chapters I promise!) anyway thank you so much once again and I hope you have a wonderful day xxx- Tilly_g27 ♥️

Love hurts- A winx club Musa and Riven fanfiction .Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu