Chapter 7- Soulmates

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Musa's POV
We spent all afternoon setting up camp, each of us had our own tent surrounding the campfire. (The specialists keep supplies like tents on board the ship incase of emergencies.) Once we had finished we sat round the fire and Stella took out 3 bags of giant marshmallows. We all grabbed skewers and started to toast them.
"Riven why are you setting yours on fire?" Stella asked
"Because that's the best way to do it." He remarked. "You set it on fire till it's burnt, and then you peel off the burnt part and you're left with the soft gooey marshmallow inside."
"Seems like a waste to me." Stella replied "I like mine toasted till they're golden brown"
"I actually like the way Riven does it" I muttered
"What really?!" Stella exclaimed.
"Yeah I like the texture, plus the flames look really cool!" I said.
"Right! It's mesmerising." Riven responded. He then muttered something under his breath but I didn't hear what it was. Stella shot him a glance.

Riven's POV
So we're all sat there, having a debate over marshmallows.
"I actually like the way Riven does it." I heard Musa mumble.
"What really?!" Stella exclaimed.
"Yeah I like the texture, plus the flames look really cool!" She replied.
"Right! It's mesmerising." I remarked
"Just like you." Although I said that under my breath so I don't think anyone heard it.
Musa POV
hours passed by, we all sat around the fire talking about the past two years and caught up with each other.
"So, apart from saving the world, what else did you guys get up to while I was gone?" Riven asked.
"Well there is one thing that I've been meaning to tell you guys." Bloom began. "You know how Sky and I are engaged? Well with all the events that have gone on that require us to be out saving the world, we never had chance to actually get married."
"So," sky continued. "We finally have a date for the wedding."
"June 27" bloom concluded.
A buzz of excitement filled the air.
"Stella will you be maid of honour?" Bloom asked her best friend.
"Is that even a question? Of course I will!" Stella responded.
"Who will be the best man?" Brandon asked.
"Well actually I was going to ask you!" Sky laughed.
"Oh! Well yeah of course I will bro." Brandon smiled earning a laugh from all of us.
"I'll design your dress." Stella said
"I'll do the decorations." Flora replied
"I'll sort out the music" I chimed.
"Thanks girls! You're the best." Bloom said holding sky's hand.
"I think this is cause for celebration" smiled Stella snapping her fingers causing 12 glasses and a bottle of champagne to appear.
"Did you just waste magic on alcohol?" Aisha asked.
"Hey it's for a good cause," Stella remarked "besides, we may as well make the most of our time here."
"Good point." Said Brandon taking the bottle and cracking it open.

(A/N- just imagine he did that without a bottle opener because he a strong boi sksksk)

We all poured a glass each. I didn't have a spoon to do this so I just tapped my nails on my glass loudly. "Attention everyone!" Everyone looked at me. "Let's raise a glass to the bachelor and bachelorette."
"To the bachelor and bachelorette!" Everyone said in unison as we all clinked our glasses together and sipped.


We drank a lot.
I know it's kinda irresponsible seeing as we were on a mission, stranded in the middle of nowhere. We had no clue what could be out there. Plus I should have probably taken it easy on the dancing. I didn't want to do my knee further damage.
But hey, it was a time for celebration right? One of my best friends is finally getting married after all!
It was a great night. We all danced the night away. Even Riven! The night was full of giggles and Drinks. We probably should have eaten at the same time to be honest. We only had marshmallows but they get sickly after a while. Luckily some of us are smart enough to know when we've had enough, and the rest are pretty good at holding their drink. We could still think straight. It wasn't like we were absolutely wasted. Just slightly tipsy and...giddy.

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