Birthday (oneshot)

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A/N- this is NOT part of the story this is just a little short story that I wanted to write and post today as it is Musa's birthday! Just wanted to clear that up so nobody is confused.
Musa POV:
I woke up and rubbed my sleep filled eyes, stretched my arms and looked at my alarm clock.
8:30am, May the 30th, my birthday.
I didn't like big birthday celebrations, I preferred quite ones, opening presents with friends and then eating cake.
I reached for my phone and saw a text from my dad wishing me a happy birthday. My finger hovered over Riven's name. Nothing. I sighed, did he really forget?
Putting my phone back down I laid back down in bed and shut my eyes. No point in getting up yet then, all the girls will still be asleep
Then I heard something being pushed under my door.
I got out of bed and put on a pair of old slippers then went over to find a letter that read,

Happy birthday gorgeous, get up and get dressed. Meet me outside the gates of alfea.
I promise you this'll be the best birthday yet.
All my love~Riv xxx

I folded the letter up and put it in my purse, squealing with excitement. What on Earth was he planning? I carefully opened my closet, trying my best not to wake Tecna up, and took out a dress I've been waiting for an excuse to wear. I bought it because it fitted well in the shop and it looked cute, even though I knew I wouldn't get a chance to wear it. It was a gorgeous sort of valentine red colour, cut to reveal some of my back. It fitted nicely around my waist when I zipped it up and reached down to my knees the silk was soft against my skin. I bought a pair of red heels to match which I slipped on my feet. I sat at my dressing table and brushed out my hair. I braided a small piece at the side then tied the rest into a low, messy bun. I applied makeup, with a gorgeous red lip to match. I grabbed my purse by the door and just as I was about to leave I heard Tecna roll over.
"Where do you think you're going?" She yawned
"Out." I smiled at her.
"But I thought you didn't like big celebrations?" She asked
"This isn't." I said holding up the note, still smiling. "I'm going on a birthday date."
"Not without letting me wish you happy birthday you're not!" She replied jumping out of bed and rushing to give me a hug.
"Thanks babes!" I hugged her back
"I did get you a present but you can open it later with the other girls if you want. Is Riven waiting?" She asked.
"Yeah, he's at the gates." I responded.
"Well you probably shouldn't keep the man waiting." She laughed. I smiled at her as I went outside to meet Riven.
————————————————————————I reached the gate to find him standing there, he was dressed smart, but not too smart. Nice jeans and a plain shirt. He turned round when he saw me.
"Wow!" He breathed. "You look stunning."
"Thanks" I blushed. He held out his arm for me to take.
"So, what's the plan?" I asked curiously.
"Well it's 9:00am now, and I got us  a reservation for that new desert restaurant in 10 minutes."
"Desert?" I said confused. "Riven,why would we have desert at ten past nine in the morning?" He laughed then
"They don't just do deserts, they also do breakfast food. Y'know, pancakes, waffles,crepes."
"Ohh,now you make sense!"
"Yeah, we should get going before we miss our reservation." He said as we started walking to the restaurant.
————————————————————————When we arrived at our reservation I ordered a waffle with Nutella and strawberries. Riven ordered a stack of pancakes with butter and syrup.
"So birthday girl, how's your breakfast?" He gestured towards my waffle.
"It's amazing." I replied "but I don't think I can eat the whole thing it's huge!"
Riven took a bite of his pancakes and just smirked, his violet eyes smiling.
"What?" I asked but riven just smirked even more
"What!" I said again. This time Riven started to chuckle.
"Ok seriously stop what on Earth are you laughing at." Riven struggled not to choke on his pancake.
"If you choke I'm not paying the hospital bill." I said rolling my eyes at him.
He reached out his hand and wiped a bit of Nutella off my face.
"Seriously? That was it!" I stared at him.
"Sorry I just couldn't take you seriously, you're so cute." He smiled at me.
"Oh yeah?" I teased "you think this is cute?" I took a piece of Nutella with my finger and smeared it on his face.
"Oh you are so on!" He said breaking up bits of the pancake he had left and started throwing them at me
"Hey, stop!" I cried batting the flying bits away from me "I'll get syrup all over me!"
Then I broke pieces of my waffle and started throwing them back at him.

Love hurts- A winx club Musa and Riven fanfiction .जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें