Chapter 8- the hangover look

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Trix POV:
"Ugh did you see that? Disgusting." Darcy snarled at the crystal ball the three witches were using.
"Don't be jealous Darcy dear." Icy smirked coldly.
"Yeah just because you think Riven's the one that got away." Stormy mocked.
"I do not!" The witch of darkness snapped folding her arms.
"Whatever you say sister." Stormy teased
"Oh Riven, it's too bad that your talent, your energy, your ambition and courage should be wasted at red fountain." She fluttered her eyelashes and played with her hair, causing Icy to burst into giggles.
"I never said that!" Darcy said, her anger starting to take over.
"You so did." Stormy gasped for air through each giggle.
"Careful Darcy. Don't want that little vein popping out now do we? You'll age faster." Icy smirked tapping a small vein bulging out of her sister's forehead.
"Careful Icy. Don't want another slap now do we?" Darcy snapped back at her. Reminding Icy of that humiliation she felt when Musa slapped her across the face outside a bar in Magix. Icy shut up sharpish.

"How long is that spell going to take Darcy darling?" Icy changed the subject.
"We need to give it a week at least. It's a slow burn but it's powerful." Darcy replied.
"I am sooooo boreddd!" Stormy groaned, as the youngest of the three, she can be pretty childish.
"Patience is a virtue sis." Darcy remarked stirring the bubbling cauldron filled with a green liquid.
"But it's not even started to turn that dark purple you talked about!" Stormy continued to moan.
"And that's because we've only just started! Now shut up before I jinx your mouth shut." The witch of darkness snapped. "Besides we just need to hope that those fairies and their boyfriends actually get out of that place first. This spell may be extremely powerful but with that atmosphere it won't take the full effect.
"I wouldn't worry too much. I hate to admit it but they're all smart. They'll get out easily." Icy chimed in.
"And that's why we need patience to create a fool proof spell." Darcy said and all three witches cackled.


Musa POV.
I woke up the next morning, my head was pounding, my throat dry and my stomach felt uneasy. God I hate hangover.
I turned to see Aisha laying next to me one leg out of the blanket starfished out, still fast asleep.
"Morning!" Tecna's voice echoed from outside causing a splitting pain right across my head.
The tent door opened and the daylight struck my eyes, I covered my head with my pillow and groaned. Aisha rolled over burying her face into hers. "Sorry girls but we really need to get a move on today if we want to get out of here and complete our mission." Tecna and Timmy are the only ones who didn't really drink that much so they were totally fine.
"Here's some aspirin for your heads, and some water."
I peeked our from under my pillow and took a pill from the bottle, along with a bottle of water,  and swallowed it down.
"Thanks Tecna." I gave a smile to her. Aisha mumbled that she needed five more minutes from under her pillow and we both giggled. "Ok girl we'll meet you outside." I said as I stretched out.

Outside was bright but I put on some shades as my eyes weren't prepared to deal with that yet.
"I want food!" I heard Stella cry, her and Brandon were already awake and sat outside their tent.
"I can get you some marshmallows if you want love?" Brandon said to her as he yawned and ran his fingers through his bed head.
"No I want fast food, like fries or something." She responded.
"And where do you expect us to find that?" Timmy asked her. "We only have basic food,
which we normally take with us on missions, on the ship."
"That's not fair!" Stella pouted. "I need a hangover cure!"
The thought of food made my stomach churn more as I thought about how greasy fries would be. That nausea soon took over as I felt something pushing up my throat.
Running behind a tree I vomited.

"Alright there?" Riven was stood behind me.
"Yep, just pray for my liver" I said wiping my mouth on my sleeve. Riven gave a small chuckle.
"I knew you'd be like this, here." he handed me a few crackers that he'd gotten off the ship.
"Thanks." I smiled at him. I munched on the crackers which made my mouth more dry but I drank more of my water, which helped.
"You really need to hydrate, the alcohol is still in your system." He said.
"Sherlock Holmes everybody!" I exclaimed sarcastically, my head was still facing the ground. "Riven stop smirking." I half smiled.
"Eyes on the back of your head." He chuckled "that's clearly not changed."
"More like I know you well enough that I can sense what you're doing!" I took another sip of water.
"And I know you well enough to know that you're a fucking lightweight." He handed me more crackers, I looked up at him. I could punch him sometimes.
"Hey! I could drink you under the table any day mate." I scoffed shoving another cracker in my mouth and washing it down with more water.
"Oh yeah? Try me pixie!" He cocked his head and placed his hands in his pockets.
"You're so on!" I stood up and my head throbbed. "Maybe not anytime soon though."
Riven laughed.
"that's what I thought!"
"How are you not feeling like literal death right now anyway?" I asked him. Honestly riven looked absolutely fine,

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