Chapter 19

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Elsa's POV.

It was dark out, but my castle still glows. I was walking back and forth since there was nothing to do, then I heard a knock on my door. I walked slowly near the door thinking of who might it be.

maybe its Jack?

I opened the door. Its Olaf. "Olaf? what are you doing here?" I asked, Olaf seems to be panting, did he run all his way here?

"Elsa! its Anna! she was taken by Edward!" Olaf says.

"W-what do you mean?" I Asked.

"Well.. me and Anna were sitting at the couch waiting for Kristoff, when someone appeared in front of us." Olaf said making my eyes shot wide open in alarm.

"What was he like?!" I asked

"Well he was pale, he has golden eyes, his hair was standing exposing his forehead, and he wears black clothes... maybe he's Edward Cullen. oh! and he took Anna!" Olaf says.

Without a word I slipped the snowglobe out of my pocket, "Take me to Pitch!" I shouted throwing the snowglobe forming a portal, I walked inside leading me to some dark lair. I see the cages with the Tooth fairies inside, I tried to bust them free but the cage is made of dark sand.

oh my guest is here, I've been waiting for you. I hear the voice echoing throughout the place. then I heard another voice.


I followed the voice swiftly, leading me to some spacy and empty room. "Pitch! show yourself!" I shouted, my voice echoed throughout the room.

"no need to be hasty sweetheart." Pitch said appearing with Anna beside him.

"Let Anna go!" I say.

"No, Elsa you need to leave he is after you!" Anna says.

"Yet she came here bravely." pitch says gazing at Anna. " You still think Jack can save you? after all he threw you out!" pitch says, laughing.

It took me a long pause before answering.

"You need me right?" I said In an intimidating voice.

"Yes, are you preferring to bargain?" Pitch says.

"I'll go with you, if you let Anna go, and the Tooth fairies." I said.

"Elsa, No!" Anna screamed.

"You got a deal." Pitch said making a portal that leads to North Pole, throwing Anna and the cage of Tooth fairies inside. making them vanish in front of me, I can see through Anna's eyes that what I did was unforgivable.

"wait, you threw Anna at North Pole?!" I say.

"So what? Those guardians can help her." Pitch says, for the first time he said something that ease me.

"So what now." I say, waiting for any horrible thing he may do to me.

"First I need you to put your hand on your chest and use your power." he said. Without hesitation I placed both of my hand on my chest, then blast some ice on it, I can barely feel anything, after a short while I feel a sharp pain deep inside my chest. its freezing, of course it is I just froze my heart.

"Open your mouth." Pitch says making me open my mouth, then he blast some of his dark sand inside of me, making my mouth suck it like a vacuum. slowly I feel my consciousness fading away, then everything went dark.

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