50 Male Native American Names

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And before people start bitching about stereotyping with the gif I used the gif because it's fucking Peter Pan...yes that movie was kind of racist but whatever I love that movie and I am using this gif silence humans, move on.

1} Ahote - Restless one ☆

2} Bodaway - Firemaker

3} Tate - He who talks too much ☆

4} Honon - Bear

5} Hinto - Blue ☆

6} Kele - Sparrow

7} Wapi - Lucky

8} Howi - Turtle dove

9} Hotueakhaashtait - Tall bull

10} Cherokee - A tribe ☆

11} Elan - Friendly

12} Akule - Looks up

13} Bemossed - Walker

14} Siwili - Tail of the fox

15} Segenam - Lazy

16} Sucki - Black ☆

17} Niyol - Wind

18} Neka - Wild goose

19} Istu - Sugar

20} Jacy - Moon ☆

21} Pat - Fish

22} Mika - Racoon ☆

23} Moki - Deer

24} Elki - Hanging over the top

25} Rowtag - Fire

26} Gad - Juniper tree

27} Jolon - Valley of the dead oaks

28} Lallo - Little boy

29} Nikan - My friend

30} Igasho - Wanders

31} Dustu - Spring frog

32} Paytah - Fire

33} Dakota - Allies, friends ☆

34} Tocho - Mountain lion

35} Mona - Gathers jimson weed seeds ☆

36} Notaku - Growling bear

37} Vohkinne - Roman nose

38} Samoset - He walks over much

39} Skah - White

40} Mukki - Child

41} Sahale - Falcon

42} Onacona - White owl

43} Neka - Wild goose

44} Koi - Panther

45} Kwatoko - Bird with big beak

46} Honaw - Bear

47} Teetonka - Big lodge

48} Ahiga - He fights

49} Apenimon - Worthy of trust

50} Chogan - Blackbird  ☆

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