Long Distance Chapter 7

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September 26, 2011

To: Matttheicemaster@gmail.com

From: BananaSplitzAmy89@gmail.com



I sent a chat request to you, but your roommate answered and said you were out. I am just checking in! I am fine and college is great. No worries of course, there are no cute college guys that have caught my eye. You’re the only one for me!

Love <3 ,


Days 182 xoxoxo


Chat Request

To: Amy B

From: Nicole Miller



4:35 p.m.  Nicole: Hey 

4:35 p.m. Amy: Hey Nikki. What’s up? Shouldn’t you be at school? I thought you had your test for your license today.

4:36 p.m. Nicole: Nah, that’s tomorrow.

4:37 p.m. Amy: …okay? Then maybe you should study?

4:37 p.m. Nicole: Study!? With my brilliant skills I don’t need to study like some newbie or something. Elmo is mad that you would think we need to brush up on our brilliant skill at making random ass people BEAUTIFULLLLLL

4:39 p.m.: Amy: Uhh what? Can you translate that? To normal people speak maybe?

4:39 p.m. Nicole: Are you accusing me of not being “normal”? :o

4:42 p.m. Amy: No you’re completely normal!

4:42 p.m. Nicole: Now you’re calling me AVERAGE!?

4:45 p.m. Amy: -FACEPALM- Nikki!

4:45 p.m. Nicole: Ya, ya! I know. I just hope you understand that I am not like one of those average Nikki’s you can buy at Walmart! I am a special Target only edition!

4:47 p.m. Amy: LOL I get that.  Why did you message me?

4:47 p.m. Nicole: Well…I have a very small favor to ask!

4:50 p.m. Amy: Now you have me worried. What is it?

4:51 p.m. Nicole: So…I was on FBook last night…And I saw a picture of your BF with his roommate.

4:52: p.m. Amy: Ya? He is a physics major named Jake I think

4:53 p.m. Nicole: Well, you know how I like the nerdy type?

4:55 p.m. Amy: OMG no! no! no! no!

4:56 p.m. Nicole: You cant even introduce us?

5:00 p.m. Amy: The answer is N.O. Every time I introduce you to a guy you totally weird them out right away!

5:01 p.m. Nicole: I do not!

5:03 p.m.  Amy: Remember Garret?

5:05 p.m. Nicole: He was a special case….

5:10 p.m. Amy: You showed him your samurai sword collection and threatened him that if he ever touched it you would cut him where the sun doesn’t shine.

5:11 p.m. Nicole: Lol I remember him…

5:14 p.m. Amy: -sigh- fine. I will introduce you if you want. I can see if I can get his email from Matt.

5:15 p.m. Nicole: Hell yes! May the Pegasus Gods shine on you!

5:17 p.m. Amy: I am leaving now before you taint me with your weirdness and obsession with mythical creatures.


Chat Disconnected


Authors Note:

I got this chapter out as fast as possible. It is kind of a filler I guess. I thought it would be hilarious for Jake and Nikki to be together.  I dedicate this chapter to all you Nikki lovers (Readmedotcom).


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