Timeless Determined

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I had a million thoughts per second racing through my mind. They were like no thoughts at all... They just race past my mind and in a flash, onto the next thought... But the previous thought never goes away.

When your thinking, no time goes away at all. In a matter of seconds, it is almost as if nothing ever happened.

Why couldn't I escape this?
Why couldn't I leave?
I felt as though, once I finally wasn't alone, I needed to be alone again.

What was wrong with me??
Why was I this never ending paradox that no one knew the answer to?
Why did I not know what I wanted?
What did I want?
...What did I really want?

I really wanted to talk.
I really needed to talk.
I needed to talk to someone about my feelings... I really did.
...There was only one person I wanted to talk to... Only one person who would truly understand what I was feeling...

It was him.
But I couldn't talk to him because he was always far too busy for me...
I needed to talk to him. ...But something was preventing me from doing that. He probably hated me anyway... Why...

Why were the people I always wanted to talk to so far away?

They didn't care, did they? That was why they were gone... Because if they really cared, they would show it by talking to me.

But their life doesn't evolve around me, I know that. They have their own things to do, but they should remember who their friends are.

They were my best friend.
I loved them.
I just...
Wanted to talk to them.

I missed hearing their voice, their opinions... I miss being able to actually talk to them... I missed them...

My dear friend, why did you leave me?

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now