22. Missing

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As soon as she heard the news of her son and his best friend she immediately called one of her best friends.


"They're missing," she says in a panicked tone.


"Our sons," she answers.

"What do you mean missing!" The woman on the other end screeches before whispering, "you don't think they eloped, do you?"

"First off," she calmly says, "your son has a girlfriend and secondly no they did not elope! We would've known if they would. After all, they are terrible liars."

"True, true," her friend agrees, "wait! So then what happened to them?"

"I don't know."

"This is bad. This is bad," her friend mutters.

"What's wrong?"

"I have a bad feeling."

"And . . ." she prompts her friend to continue.

"I don't know."

"You don't know," she repeats.

"Yes! I don't know!" Her friend exclaims, "I just have a bad feeling!"

"Any guesses as to where they could've gone?" She asks.

"No. Let's call the police."

"No!" She nearly yells.

"Why not?"

"Because . . . I just think we shouldn't."

"And why is that?" Her friend curiously asks.

"Because I have a bad feeling about the police," she explains, "if they get involved bad things will happen."

"Okay," And with that they end the call.

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