Chapter Three: Gallifreyan Justice

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The golden Seal of Rassilon embedded into the crimson armor of the Gallifreyan soldiers became indecipherable in Al-Lee's blurred, blood-drenched vision. Her capture in the Citadel resulted in a punishment of torture at the hands of a female soldier whose name she learned to be "Tetrana." She was nearly equaled to Al-Lee's five-foot-nine height, possibly slightly taller. Her armor was designed to suit her busty, burly frame and to intimidate anyone who dared challenge her.

Alongside her more timid comrade, Marcis, she subjected Al-Lee to physical abuse for an hour and a half. Her arms suspended inside the dark chamber, Al-Lee had no other choice but to be Tetrana's punching bag – battering, bruising, and blooding the defenseless woman.

Eventually, Tetrana grew exhausted.

"You want to get a few shots in?" She asked Marcis.

The entire time he watched on shamefully, not so much as obliging to his fellow soldier's invitation. "Why are we doing this to her? The General never sanctioned this!"

"It was her dirt-people that brought the deaths of several lives in the Time War," Tetrana spoke with a vindictive tongue. "They could've helped us defeat the Daleks, but they instead hid like cowards!"

 "They could've helped us defeat the Daleks, but they instead hid like cowards!"

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"We...did...fight back...," Al-Lee huffed, spitting blood between breaths. "We lost lives...too...My son...My little boy...My brave husband...he fought for us...and I fought with him...We were the only ones who did fight back...but the Daleks overpowered us."

Her defending remarks earned her another series of excruciating lefts and rights from Tetrana. "Your husband and son can burn in hell for all I care," the Gallifreyan soldier cursed. "The Time Lords lost much more than you people!"

The relentlessness continued with more intensity and ferocity than before.

Marcis couldn't bear to observe it any longer; he turned his head in disgust.

In doing so, he discovered there to have been another observer of the horrendous scene: the young girl they found with the outsider – the one identified to be the teenage counterpart of the Gladiator's original incarnation.

Her eyes flooded with tears of repugnance, and her mouth gaped open.

"What're you doing to her?!" She screamed.

Tetrana stopped for a mere second to look back at the young woman, who supposedly got lost finding her way around the Citadel, and then returned to her onslaught on Al-Lee.

Marcis wanted desperately to speak up that moment; explain to the young girl that it was all a misunderstanding.

She ran off before he could have the chance, undoubtedly going to call for help.

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