Chapter Eleven: The Perversion of History

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            An emergency dematerialization had to be made. The Doctor's T.A.R.D.I.S. and those that belonged to the regenerations of Neas had been knocked off course within the infinite dimensional corridor. Bringing them out of it required all Time Lords at their stations – the Doctor at his, Carrie at hers, and Bradlee at his. Neas would've been added to that lineup, had anyone actually known where he was at the time.

            The successfully materialized out of the corridor.

            Their passengers stepped out onto a dark, damp rooftop within a brooding city.

            Their passengers stepped out onto a dark, damp rooftop within a brooding city

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            "Everybody alright?" Carrie asked the group, who gave positive verification.

            "What in the hell was all that nonsense about?!" Willie griped. "I think I just lost fifty pounds from shittin' myself!"

            "One of the disengaged from mine while we were in the corridor," the Doctor evaluated. "If we hadn't dematerialized when we did, our ships would've been ripped part, taking us with them."

            Bradlee surveyed the gathered on the bleak rooftop.

            There was the big blue police box that was the Doctor's and the two tall black rectangular solids that were his and Carrie's.

            Only two...when there should've been three, including Neas's.

            "Wait," Bradlee uttered. "Where's Neas?"

            Everyone looked around, seeing no sign of the Gladiator's tenth regeneration among the congregation. In her seeking for him, Carrie realized another member of their party had gone missing: "Where's Chanley?"

            "You guys don't think it could've been Neas that disengaged the, do ya?" Fred asked.

            "For what purpose?" Carrie frowned.

            The Doctor considered Fred's theory more closely. "He wouldn't need one, unless he was under the influence of Regen-8." His reference to the old Gallifreyan remedy, once thought long forgotten, drew troubled gazes from Carrie and Bradlee. "That woman I spoke to on the phone, back in Jurassic World...she said something about doing what Rassilon could never do: preserving the legacy of the Time Lords. Rassilon was obsessed with perfecting the Regen-8 formula."

            "O.K.," Carrie said, the gears turning in her head as she figured the Doctor's hypothesis. "So what does that have to do with Neas?"

            "Well, it wasn't him directly she wanted – at least, I don't suppose," the Doctor said. "I think she wanted one of you Gladiators specifically for experimentation. Neas could've been a victim of circumstance."

            Carrie sighed, feeling like massive weight just dropped on her shoulders.

            "So, Doctor, if your deductions are correct, then we have little time to waste before the Regen-8 completely endangers all the regenerations following Neas, including..."

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