Typical BEN

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Opening the door to the noisy, over-crowded bar, I drag my suitcase over to an empty seat in the corner, sitting down, I scanned the bar, its best to stay low, it probably won't be long till the news gets out about Oceana's death. Oceana and I were known to be partners in crime, I don't know why she didn't tell me about her and Slenderman, I would have helped her in everyway I could've. Thinking about her death starts to make my eyes fill with tears, i shake my head, "No- I'm going to get her back."

Not wanting to look vulnerable in front of an inferior species, you walk to the bathroom, when suddenly you hear loud moaning. The moaning seems to be coming from a stall, if we wanna get technical, it's the handicap stall. You walk over to the next stall and stand on the toilet seat to see who it is, and it's none other than the infamous BEN Drowned and some chick you don't know, doing some not PG Rated stuff.

"I need to speak to Slenderman." I decide to finally say, I would've said it sooner, but it would be rude to interrupt them. They both then whip their heads towards me and the lady screams, she puts her clothes on at a suprising speed and runs out, her face a cherry red.

Confused, I turn BEN who was also putting on his clothes,

"Is she OK?'' I ask

"I would guess not, considering the fact she just ran out over some creep watching us in the next stall." He says as he slides on his shirt, he takes a second look at me and his eyes widen.

''(Y/N)? Why is one of the best apprentices of the Succubus Realm watching me do a girl in the handicapped stall of this rundown bathroom? I'm honored." He flirts "If you came here for a threesome, I'm down."

Ignoring his request, I state once again, "I need to speak to SlenderMan."

"I don't think I can do that babe, I know how you Succubus's play." He says as he zips up his pants and walks out the stall,

"I'm no longer helping my realm, they killed Oceana." I say downheartedly as I begin walking along side him, we walk out of the bathroom together and the bar looks at us, some begin to wolf whistle and clap, some high five BEN.

Confused, I turn towards him once again,

"Why are they all doing that?''

"Oh? I don't really know." He replys, smirking.

"So, about SlenderMan?'' I question once more as we finally walk out of the bar.

"Oh, yeah, I don't think I can help you with that, sorry babe." He says, not sorry at all. He spawns a portal and just before jumping in, I latch onto him. I'm getting in this bitch one way or another.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lil bit of an authors note: ok so like your a succubus right, that means intercourse is a pretty common thing in your realm, so common it's like done in the streets and stuff, so like i wanna make your character like, idk oblivious to intercourse or something and sexual things so more spicy things can happen in future chapters? what's considered close and personal for normal people is not considered that for succubus. thats all i guess i hope u enjoyed the chapter if anyone actually reads this piece of shit lol

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