Dinner Time

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Slender walked you to a room filled with not much in it, the room only having strictly a dusty, dresser which its mirror was shattered and wood was chipping, and also a bed with torn up dusty bed sheets that looked like they've never been washed. You completely take back what you said about this being a fancy mansion. The rooms not that bad, but its definitely torn down, and disgusting.
"It's not the best, but we don't get visitors that often, I'll be sure to send my proxies in here tomorrow to help decorate your room the way you would like." He paused, " I'm sure you have a lot to say about Oceana, as well as I, but I would appreciate if you could wait until dinner, I would like the whole mansion to know our situation, it wouldn't be fair to them."
You smile in reply, agreeing, "Of course."
If he had a mouth, you'd picture he'd be smiling as well, "Thank you for understanding, dinner will be ready in 30 minutes, I will have one of my proxies come and escort you to the dinner table so there will be no misunderstandings." He makes his way towards the door and before he leaves, he adds on, "I sent all my creepypastas out an email there would be a new member in this mansion, althougth unfortunately not all of them read their emails, so it would be best to lay low until dinner time, to avoid any mishaps." and with that, he leaves.

Staring at the door, you replayed what he said in your head and you realized, you're stuck in this dusty-musty old room with nothing to do for 30 minutes, damn it slender. Looking at your clothes, you see your still in your long black t-shirt, it's not really the best way to present yourself for the first time, but its not like you have a wardrobe filled with designer clothes at the moment. You wait a boring 30 minutes, trying to clean up the room as best as you can.

You hear a knock on your door,
"Come in!'' You shout ,
Your door opens and your met with a white, feminine mask, you immediately recognize him as Slender's right hand man, Masky, and GOD, he smelled delicious. You can tell he carried one of the most delicious blood types, you still fed on human energy, you tried to restrain yourself.
"(Y/N)? From the Succubus realm? I never expected you to join another realm, especially it being us." He said in a surprising tone you were guessing, you couldn't tell because of the mask. "Gahhh, sorry, that was rude of me. I'm Masky, I look forward to working with you." He holds out his gloved hand for me to shake it, to which I reply with shaky hands shaking his back.
"Dinner is prepared, are you ready to eat?' He inquires
"Of course! But could you help me walk to the kitchen? I think I've sprained my foot on my way over here" You lie
"I'd be happy to help." He replied

He gives you his shoulder to lean on and you wrap your arm around him for "support", in reality, you just wanted to get a better sniff of him, and let me tell you, his scent was to orgasm over, While nearing the kitchen, he helps you to your seat and you take a final sniff, you're sitting next to the infamous Jane and Jeff, you look around to find everyones eyes glued on you,
The whole table begins talking again, but, it's about you.
"Isn't she our enemy? How can we trust her?''
"I bet she'll be a pretty useless addition to our team."
" She's a Succubus right? Isn't that the same species as E.J?'
"No she's not the same species as me, though were very similar, she feeds off of semen and i feed off of organs.''
"We almost had a threesome today!"
"Can you guys shut the hell up? She's right here." The girl next to you, Jane, yells at the boys, "Hey, sorry about that, they're all virgins, this is the first girl they've seen in like 10 years. My names Jane and I'm pretty sure we all know you as (Y/N), it's nice to meet you."

"Jane we all know I'm not a virgin sweetie, I can't say much for Jeff though." BEN shouted from across the table.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not a virgin, if you wanna point fingers, point them at E.J" Jeff snapped back

"I'm not crazy over sex like you guys are, I don't really see the point of it, but if you would like to know, I'm not a virgin." E.J explained rather calmly

"Yeah, so what I'm picking up is that you're fucking ga-" Jeff starts before being cut off by the static of SlenderMan.


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