Meeting Slender

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You both crash onto the floor and you're met with the surprisingly built chest of BEN, you lift your head to find the entrance of the Slender Mansion. Below you is BEN and his mischievous grin, you find yourself straddling him, you thought any normal person would attack right away considering you're now in their realm, but instead BEN put his hands on your waist, one inching a very close to your butt,
"If you wanted me you could've just said so babe." He begins lifting at your shirt, but you stop him, uninterested. You get up off him and casually make your way into the Slender Mansion, leaving him on the ground with a slightly flattened ego.

You walk into the mansion and you have to say, it was beautiful. You'd think it'd be creepy with all the Creepypastas living in here, but it's put together rather nicely. Shockingly, no one notices you so far, are you really going to ally with these people?
You walk upstairs and your met with a long ass hallway and a shitload of doors, how is anyone supposed to find their way around here? Oh well, you begin wandering.
Precisely about 40 doors later, you see a little girl with beautiful brunette locks come out of her room with a ragged up teddy bear in her arm. She turns towards you surprised at first, but then smiles and runs your way.

"Are you new here?! Who are you?! My name's Sally!" She starts speaking all at once excitedly. You smile at her naiveness, you didn't have to worry about her trying to kill you at least.

"My names (Y/N), I'm planning to join your team, can you show me where your boss Slenderman is please?' you politely ask with a smile. She then manages to throw on an even larger smile and giddied

"Yay! A team member! It's been so long since we had a girl too! Follow me!'' her little feet start running, only to stop dead in their tracks,
"Oh, but if you're tricking me, then don't try anything, I'll kill you." She threatened in a serious tone, but you only smile at this,

" Of course, I'll try not to." You reply

"Great! Let's go!'' she cheered once more.

Sally leads you to the top floor where you're met with two big double doors and nothing else, how convenient. Sally wishes you good luck and runs off, you open the two big doors and you're met with a dimmed room. in the end of the room, there is a big desk, with the one and only SlenderMan sitting at it.

''Good Evening (Y/N), I'm sure that you're here for no reason, I've heard about Oceana's death as well, she meant a lot to me, but I'm sure she meant even more to you, I'm truly sorry this happened." His words echo in my head laced with sorrow, Holding back tears you start to make your way over to Slender's desk and sit in the chair across from it.

"You must be enraged, this is partially my fault, we were enemys, it would have never lasted but we tried to make it work, but I ended up causing not only Oceana dying, but for you and all her other loved ones great despair as well. I can only guess you're coming here for revenge, which I don't blame you for. Here are my only rules, I undeniably still have a realm to rule, so I can't just give it up like that, but I also can't just go scott free, so I wish for a fair fight, I will have no backup or-"

I cut him off, "Wait what? No no no, I came here to join you, my realm is just a loud pack of idiot bitches and I'm sick of them already." (if you got that reference then like I love you <3)

"What? Uhm, well, that just makes things a lot easier, uhh.." He clears his throat," (Y/N) (L/N), I am Slenderman and welcome to the Slender Mansion, I look forward to working with you."

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