Part 5

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(A/N) : I'm really sorry for the slow updates, I'm doing my best to balance writing and school school. I hope to wrote tons so that I can post more often.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and thank you for continuing to read even though your author can't keep up with a good update schedule to save her life. 😄


Yoongi knocked on the door to the giant house. The exterior of the house made it look abandoned and old.

A tall male with broad shoulders opened the door. His eyes landed on yoongi but drifted to me and jimin. He looked back at yoongi with a confused expression but yoongi gestured to let us in.

The guy moved to the side and we walk in, not a word exchanged between anyone.

I gasp as soon as I see the interior. The walls are a beautiful marble color and the floors contrast the walls, as they are a shiny black color. There is a stair case on the left and right side of the back wall which lead to the second story.

I continue to admire the beauty and then I see a chandelier. It's a glossy golden color with tons and tons of tiny light all over it.

"Close your mouth, a fly will get in." Jimin suddenly said. Bringing me back to reality, I shake my head and blink multiple times. "This is beautiful." I say.

We get to a place with a round glass table in the middle with three cream colored couches around it.

"The couch alone looks like it's worth more than my life." I mumble. "What do you expect, he's a min." The man from earlier said.

"I'm jin." He added. "Ah! I knew you were either hoseok or jin since you were a demon." I reply. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "You're a human, how-" "my parents are full blood demons and so is my brother, I'm a mistake so I'm not a demon but I can sense demons. Next question."

Jin raises an eyebrow and chuckles slightly. "I guess you're asked that a lot?" He questioned. "Yep. You know, it's funny too. Any demon can sense it if they actually try. It isn't an immediate thing but if you look for it you can find it. Yet every single demon asks me how I know instead." I explain.

"I'm guessing that's your brother." Jin asked, gesturing to jimin. "Yep, I'm jaemin by the way." I say with a smile. "And I'm jimin." Jimin says.

"If only I got her name that easily." Yoongi mumbled to himself. I kick his shin and he glares at me. "I still have demon blood you idiot, I have enhanced senses." I tell him but his face goes blank while he tries to figure out why I told him.

"I hear what you said." I say, rolling my eyes. He nervously chuckled and looked anywhere but me. I chuckle as well and shake my head playfully.

"Well anyways, I'm here to make your love life a reality." I say with a bright smile. "Wait, mine?" Jin asks, pointing to himself.

"No, yoongi and jimins. Yes yours. I may not know a lot about you but I know about you and namjoon. I'm basically going to be an excuse for you two to hang out." I reply sarcastically.

"Why would you do that for us?" Jin asked. "I have my reasons." I say in a higher pictched voice. Jimin chuckled at that.

"Yoongi, is she for real?" Jin asked. "I'm pretty sure." Yoongi said with furrowed eyebrows. Jin gave him the 'really?' look.

"She doesn't like it when I read her mind so I stopped." Yoongi said. "Oh since when does an opinion stop you?" Jin hissed.

"Since I found someone willing to be around me even regardless of my family." He replied.

"A human at that." Jin added. "Alright let me educate you idiots. I'm obviously not human but I'm not a demon. I have demon blood and I mean I'm technically a full blood demon but things happened." I explain.

"You said you're a mistake, what does that mean?" Jin asked. "I rather not talk about it." I say. "Yoongi can't you tell me?" Jin asked. "No. I'm not gonna risk a friendship with her because you can't respect that she wants to keep a secret." Yoongi hissed.

"You are something else to make him act like this." Jin said, sitting down. Yoongi sat on the couch across from him and Jimin and I stood.

"Not gonna sit?" Yoongi asked. "Trust me, one tile of the floor is worth more than jimin's life and mine combined. Let alone the couch." I say.

"It's fine." Yoongi said. Jimin and I hesitantly sat down. This couch was easily the most comfortable one I've ever sat on.

"Anyways, thank you for doing this jaemin. It's so hard having feelings for a human who's dad hunts us." Jin said.

"Anytime. Just give me your number that way if you two make an excuse about me, of course after introducing me and all that, you can let me know so I can cover for you." I reply.

Jin smiles genuinely and nods. He looks relived. "I can call him now and see if you can meet him and his dad." Jin said. I simply nod and jin calls, who I'm guessing is namjoon.

A few minutes later he hangs up and smiles. "Alright, he said to meet him at the park about five miles from here and once he meets you, he will take you to his dad." Jin explained.

"Done. What about jimin though? It's obvious he's gonna kill yoongi if he stays with him and it would be weird if he came with me to see namjoon." I say, giving jimin a side glance.

"Oh come on, we know he can't kill me." Yoongi said. "Trust me, he's full of surprises." I reply. Jimin smiles and tries not to chuckle.

"Okay well he's probably right about me not being able to kill him. Besides, I told you I'm not gonna stop you. I may not agree with it but I don't want to be the brother that completely controls your life." He says.

Jimin stands up so I quickly hug him before leaving, of course after getting jin's number.

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