I've been TAGGED!!!!!!!

410 4 26

Thanks a lot @UncleGut. Anyway...

1. I work a lot.

2. I watch a lot of anime.

3. My favorite color is Black.

4. I'm white.

5. I was single. Now in a relationship.

6. I have 4 Brothers and 3 Sisters.

7. I had a yandere Girlfriend once. (Still have horrible dreams of her)

8. My fav Anime is Dragon Ball Z Super. ( Hope I wrote that right)

9. My best friends are @Im___A___Person , @UncleGut and @ShadowCascad3.

10. I smoke. ( Not weed WTF dude )

There hope your happy. I tag @Im___A___Person and @ShadowCascad3 because why the fuck not.

Anyway see ya.

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