Story of a stalker chapter 6

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Right, I fancied writing more so, here you are. not as long as the last chapter i think, but still, was, how do i say it, interesting, to write this chapter i suppose :) more comments please, I would love to have some criticisms :)

Big shout out to my mum, Maria, for the help she's given me, basically she's helped me plan out the next like ten chapters, also she helped with the names :) Love you Mum <3



... "Well I hope I'm gonna get to see you more often lovely, it'd be great to have more visitors" I looked over to the door of the hospital room and there, once again, stood Ryden. And by god, did he look pissed off...

---End of re-cap---


"What the fuck are you doing here, one minute you're saying you're sorry making me feel bad any ways, and now you're back here flirting with some prick that couldn't even get it up!"

"Listen, I..." I started to talk when Ronin decided to kinda interrupt.

"Ryden, listen you son of a bitch, she came to see me, so what, and for your information, I can get it up, wanna check?" Wow, I hadn't heard anybody ever talk back to Ryden, I mean, he's not the type of person you would talk back to, yknow, the muscular "I could kill you in one punch" kinda guy. Still, you could tell that Ryden was pissed off by this remark, which I found quite hilarious.

"No I don't "wanna check" you fuckhead. I don't even want to be near you, arsehole! Why do you think I left In the fucking first place! I hate you, I hate mam and I hate that stupid son of a bitch you call Dad" My mouth was literally hanging on the floor, mam? What the hell was he on about. I suppose the atmosphere wasn't very good, yknow with all the swearing going on, when Ronin was kind of next door to a girl who only looked about eleven. I decided it was time for me to have my say finally, time for me to take a stand.

"Ryden, what? You left where? I thought you lived with your mum, and FYI, I came here to see him because he doesn't get visitors so I thought he'd get lonely, yeah!"Ryden looked gob-smacked, I had never butted in to one of his conversations before, well I had once, but that ended in disaster. He could see that I was getting stronger and stronger each day, and I could see that he was afraid of this happening. The two boys looked at me, one standing, one struggling to sit upright in his hospital bed, they looked so handsome. Yes, you heard right, I said both yeah. Well, they did look almost identical, I swear, they had the exact same features, apart from the fact that Ronin had those sweet sky-blue eyes that I always found it hard not to lose myself in. This time, when they spoke it was weird, they both spoke in unison.

"Listen, Carm. There's just some things that you don't know. Some things are kinda hard to explain..." I cut them off, firstly because I was kinda freaked out that they were speaking in EXACT unison, and two, I wasn't going to take anybody's bullshit right now!

"No don't you "listen Carm" me. I want to know everything and I want to know it all right now! I'm not moving from this spot until you both start telling me the truth, I'm getting sick of this, lies, lies. Lies all around the hospital now eh?" My face was actually sweating, as if I was beginning to become afraid of what they might explain to me, if they did. As if, what they were about to tell me could change everything. They kept quiet for a while, but realised that I was going to keep true to my word, that I wasn't going to move from here until they told me exactly what was going on..

"Carm, please, sit down. You're gonna need to." I reluctantly sat down in the chair which was, coincidentally, right in between the two.

"You can probably tell by now, we're brothers"

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