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AN: From now on everything is in your POV unless otherwise noted. Also, your loftwing is whatever color you want it to be.

Something inside me jolts hot acid through my chest and I am awake in an instant, my heart beating quickly. I take a shaky breath, "It was just a dumb nightmare." I sigh and wipe my sweaty palms on my blanks then put my head onto my pillow and close my eyes. Wait.

Where am I? My eyes snap open. This is not my room!

I spring to a sitting position, flinging my blankets to the floor, and search the room frantically. I am on a single bed next to a small open window. (F/C) cotton blankets are in a heap on the floor. Nothing seems familiar about this room...

No, wait. How silly of me. Of couse this is my room. I just upgraded to it since I became a senior at Skyloft Academy. Not ready to get out of bed I stare blankly at the blankes on the floor. I should clean those up.

Thump! Alarm shoots through me at the loud and sudden sound. What was that? It seems like it came from the next room over. Didn't Link get that room? That sounded rough, I hope he is okay. I swing my legs over the edge of my bed. I'll go check on him.

Skree!  A shrill cry pierces the air and I trip over the blankets on the floor, falling flat on my back. "Dammit! I knew I should have picked those up!"

Outside my window Zelda's loftwing rests gently on the ground and sticks her beak through Link's window. I pick myself up off the floor and stick my head outside. It smells like spring.

"Psst! Zephyr!" I call out to the bird. She ignores me. "Hey!" I try again, a little louder. This time she looks over her shoulder at me with indifference before lifting her wings and taking to the sky. Stuck up bird.

I see the blankets on the floor again but feel to lazy to pick them up so I end up just pushing them around with my toe. I wonder what Zelda had her loftwing at Link's place for. Maybe I'll go ask him. I am about to open my door when I hear a loud and sudden slam!  I jump as a mini heart attack jolts me. Why does Karane always slam her door?

I swing my door open and run straight into someone. "Ooof! I'm so sorry!" I blurt out before I can properly see who it is.

The girl bursts out laughing. "____! You should have seen your face! You were so surprised!" I realize that it is Karane.

"Whatever." I respond, stepping out of the doorway.

She steps into my room. "____!" She says my name accusingly this time. "You aren't even dressed yet! The wing ceremony is in an hour." She starts pushing me towards my closet. "We got to get to work." Of course she would be worried about my clothes.

I stop dead in my tracks and look her in the eye. "Are you serious? The wing ceremony is today?"


"I need to get ready!" I throw the doors to my closet open wide. "Where is that tunic I planned to wear?" I mumble to myself in semi panic. I still need to practice with my loftwing Nixie before the ceremony. I don't know if I'll have enough time to get everything done.

"Woah. Calm down, ___. You're guardian angel is here." She holds up the tunic I was looking for. "You left it in the washroom last night."

I snatch it away from her. "What would I do without you?"

"Probably fail at life."

I punch her arm.

She sees the pile of blankets on the floor. "____, please tell me you did not just wake up."

I bite my lip.

"Oh my god. You did."

We stare at each other for a second before I rush out of the room. Henya, the cook, closes the kitchen to students at eleven but if I hurry she might give me some bread before leaving. No way am I going to go through the ceremony on an empty stomach. I run through the empty halls and realize that everyone else has left already. And I still need a bath too! Why do I always wake up so late?

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