The Sealed Grounds

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I glance around me to see if there is anyone around who can tell me about where I am. I doubt that there is anybody living here though because everything is so lush and overgrown compared to Skyloft. Maybe I'll at least spot a clue as to where I want to go next.

Wait! Down at the bottom of a huge grassy pit I see... a man? Woman? I can't tell from where I am because theybare standing with their back to me.

"Hello down there!"

I get no answer and I wonder if they can even hear me. They seem to be quite intent on something they are looking at but I can't decide what it is. Maybe it is the black circle in the ground at the center if the pit? If they are trying to view that though I don't see why they are standing inside it.

I try again, "Heeeeeey!" I wave my arms around like it will help.

No responce.

Hmph! I begin walking down the edges that spiral down to the center od the pit when I remember that I have a sailcloth and leap off the edge. As I am about to reach the center I call out a greeting again. "Hey mister!" By now I can tell it is a guy even though I haven't seen his face yet. The clothes he wears seem really impractical to be hiking around the forest in. They are really nice, if it were me I wouldn't want to ruin them. Though I can't say they are my style... Maybe he came from the building at the top? I had thought it was abandoned, but maybe not.

The man still does not answer and I begin to suspect that he heard me the first time and just chose to ignore me. For some reason I feel like I might have met him before.

I make a soft landing and march up to him. "Excuse me, it is rude to-"

I gasp when I see his face. I'd recognize those eyes anywhere. "It's you!" Accusation laces my tone.

He finally looks at me. "Yes ____, it is I." His voice sounds bored but he smirks with satisfaction. "Why the accusing tone? Have I done anything to you, sky child?"

"Who are you and why are you in my head?"

"I'm wounded." He says dramatically. "It can't be that you've  already forgotten my name?"

I glare at him, hand on the scabbard of my katana. Just in case. "You know what I meant... Ghrirahim." I add as an afterthought so he can't play dumb about it.

"Ah such a relief that you remember." His eyes skim over me noting my defensive position but taking no action towards it.

He begins circling me and my eyes follow him warily. "I suppose I did promise to grace you with my full title. And of course, I am happy to indulge your curiosities." His voice feels awfully close behind me and I resist the urge to shiver. "Indeed, I much prefer to be addressed by my full title," Ghirahim stops in front of me and I swear he is posing, "Demon Lord Ghirahim."

I draw my sword now and distance myself from him enough to get a clear strike if I need to. "So, you're a demon." I know the legends. I know what his kind have done in times of old.

Ghirahim carries on as if I am not ready to kill him at any moment. "As for why I'm in your head, well... it's only natural." His eyes blaze into mine and he winks.

I am aware that he doesn't have a weapon on him but I don't care and I swing my sword at him intending to come just close enough to scare him. This arrogant prick!

My heart jolts into my throat when my sword suddenly stops. I couldn't have misjudged the distance and hit him! Moments later the quick panic subsides and it becomes obvious that the demon is holding my sword between two fingers, delicately, as if he might break it. My eyes widen.

"Now now, that's hardly fair. Swinging at someone innocent and unarmed is not very honorable is it, dear?"

"You're not innocent, demon."

Ghirahim looks hurt. "So I don't even have a name now? How shameful. You seem to really have it out for me ____, but what have I done?"

I tug on my sword but it stays fast in his grip. "You've been messing with my sister's head. That alone is unforgivable."

Ghirahim laughs outright. "Oh please. You sky children just don't know an invitation when you see one." He stops with a thoughtful look. "Or perhaps you do. You came straight to my call after all." He grins.

"I've always wondered what was beneath the clouds. You didn't put that in my head." I contine to glare at him as I try to regain control of my sword. He seems amused at my struggling which makes me even more angry. "You can't take credit for my dreams."

"Can't I?" He smirks.

I kick at him but he anticipates my movement and moves out of the way.

Ghirahim sighs in pain. "Seriously,  you peiple have no manners. Can't you simply thank me? After all, it was I who opened the cloud barrier. Did you think that after being sealed for centuries that it jad opened by itself? Simply of coincidence?"

Dammit. I hated to admit but he was right. I wouldn't have made it down here if it were not for him. And also, like he said, he hadn't done anything to me or my sister besides talk to us. Albeit in a creepy manner. I sigh and he seems to take it as an apology because he finally releases my sword.

I slide it into my scabbard with a vengeance, hating that the demon was right and that I couldn't find him guilty of anything. I wasn't about to thank the prick though. Or think of him as innocent. "What do you want with my sister and I?"

Ghirahim doesn't answer my question. Distracted he says, "As much as I enjoyed this, sky child, I must take my leave now." He disappears with a snap.

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