A Confusing Old Lady

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*The chapter gif has nothing to do with the chapter sorry... heh enjoy anyways!

Also, none of the art I use is my own. If you see your art you can let me know and I can either take it down or give you credit. :)

I can't help but wonder what he is up to. The fact that he disappeared doesn't bother me as much as I thought it might. He's a demon, of course he'd have some trick up his sleeve.

Since there is nothing I need to do I stand and stare at the spike in the ground wondering what was so interesting about it that Ghirahim would stand there ignoring me just to look at it. To me it was just a piece of stone with etchings in it. Something you might pass by and think "pretty" and keep walking. Maybe he just found it fun to ignore me...

I had to admit, the longer I stood there the more I realized that it carried a certain vibe, a peculiar draw to it. Like standing in a graveyard alone at night. ....Not that I've ever done that.

After inspecting the spike for a little I get bored and lean against it to look up at the sky and wonder if Link got the sailcloth from Zelda or not. I wonder if they allowed him to race. Everyone saw me win but I did toss the statuette away and fly off before the ceremoney was completed so... maybe?

I feel the stone shift a little and I scramble away in case it falls over. The small pillar doesn't even look like it is leaning when I inspect it. I laugh at myself for freaking out. Of course it wouldn't move, it's probably buried more than halfway. Still, I find it nessesary to push on it really hard just to make sure.

The patterns on the stone light up and the small pillar begins to tilt. "Ack!" I jump away from it and stare in mild horror as black smoke begins to seep out. "Uhh... Somebody??" I look around as if I expect to someone to be there but just like two seconds ago there still isn't anybody around. I decide to try pushing it back into place but a deep voice suddenly interupts my thoughts.

Chosen one, do not push the stone back into place. It hurts me.

I jump away from the stone as if I had just discovered it was crawling with biting ants.

Only a spirit maiden can undo the curse that binds me here. Be brave and push the stone away.

The hairs on my neck and arms stand on end. Something doesn't feel right. I shake my head and take another step back.

A black tendril of smoke reaches out to me and slithers across my skin. You must. The dark voice insists.


Do it.


Do as I say. Pain flashes across my arm and I look down to see blood seeping out of my pores like red dew drops.

The black smoke gently receads from my skin, almost thoughtfully. Your blood is not pure. You do not have the power of the spirit maiden.

I try to wipe the blood off my arm but it only smears.

You are mixed. Powerless. What does she think this will accomplish? Deep chuckles reverbrate the ground.

"Nope nope nope." I mutter to myslef as I get out of there. The black smoke does not try to stop me. I think that riding the air currents back to the top would have been fun if I hadn't felt the eyes of the stone watching me with intrest.

I dodge into the temple to get out of sight. It is big and spacious inside with large columns holding up the crumbling ceiling. Vines and sunlight creep in throught the holes. It feels like a place you should whisper in.

There is a set of stairs that leads up to a platform that is bathed in light from part of the fallen ceiling. I walk up and see an old woman sitting at the top.

Her skin looks like bark to me and her braid is so long that it almost reaches the ground in spite of being wrapped around her head several times; it swings back and forth like a pendulum. I notice a necklace of blue stones around her neck. It looks familiar...

I suddenly remember what happened outside. "Uh, I think I might have broken that stone outside. I-it's leaking black smoke now."

The old woman smiled. "Don't worry about it earth child. It will soon be taken care of."

"Are you sure? Because there was a creepy voice and the smoke did this to my arm." I hold my arm out for her to inspect.

"Don't worry about that. It'll be taken care of like I said." She chuckled, "My advice is to not talk to stones. They are generally very resentful for being stepped on so often."

My cheeks flush red. I shouldn't have mentioned it. "Wait. Why did you call me earth child? Are you saying I'm dirty? Because I assure you, I took-" I cut myslef off as I remember that I indeed had not taken a bath that morning.

She raised a questionable eyebrow at me. "No dear, I mean you are a child from earth."

"Oh, okay." I'm confused by all the things I've been called so far just since arriving on the surface; sky child (which actually made sense), spirit maiden, mixed, now earth child.

"No need to be confused." The old woman spoke up. "In time, you will find the answers to all the questions you have."

"Can you read my mind?" I gaze at her in bewilderment.

"No, there are other ways to know other's thoughts."

"Like what?"

"Paying attention."

I scoff a little at myself for expecting a more exciting answer.

"I've been sitting here for many years waiting for the sky child to arrive. At my age I know how to pick up on the smallest details of a person's manners." She looks at me seemingly uncomfortable that I am still standing. "Have a seat and we can talk for a while. I could use the company."

I'm heasitant to sit after hearing thay the lady has been sitting there for years. I'm not sure it is worth the risk. I pull a random thought out of the air hoping it will distract her from wanting me to sit. "You know, there was a demon in your yard today. He called me sky child."


"Am I maybe the one you've been waiting for?" I wince waiting for the answer because the question sounded silly coming out of my mouth.

"Ah, Ghirahim? He is often down in that pit but he cannot accomplish anything down there without the spirit maiden."

"But I was just down there and he didn't do anything."

"Because you are not the spirit maiden."

"But-" I sigh, utterly confused.

"But what?"

"The voice from the stone said I was..."

"What did I say about talking to stones?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

I sigh. "What am I really then?"

She ponders the question. "You are many things child. It is not surprising that you were mistaken for the spirit maiden or a sky child. Though, ultimatly it is you who decides what and who yyou are so I wouldn't worry about it."

"How am I not a sky child? I was born in Skyloft. I grew up there."

"So you did. So you did." The old lady agrees.

I am only more confused by her answer but I don't push it any further. I don't think I want to know the answer anymore.

"Who are you waiting for then?" I change the subject.

She does not respond, only strokes her braclet tenderly as a mist forms in her eyes.

I wait a little longer for her to respond knowing that the elderly often do not see a reason to rush but I eventually accept that she is not going to say anything further on the subject.

I try again. "Tell me about the surface. What is this place?"

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