From the Sky

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We talk about the temple we are in, the surrounding forest, and the creatures that inhabit it until dusk. The lady ia a wealth of knowledge and she is happy to tell me about everything, the plants, the places. She even gave me a few tips on how to fight the enemies that I would meet whenever I decided to explore further.

When the light outside changes so does the atmosphere and we both stop in the middle of our conversation about kikwi. We can tell something is wrong even before the black tornado leaps up into the clouds not far from where we are. The sky is much darker than it should be and I run outside to view it. The tornado looks like it is made of the same black material as the smoke that is still curling out of the pit. Ghirahim.

I watch as a section of the cloud barrier give way to the swirling winds. Suddenly there is a flash of light and the storm disintegrates. Confused I continue to stare at the spot where it used to be. The goddess must have intervened to close the barrier once again today.

I am ready to turn back and go inside to report back to the old lady what I saw but someone calls my name.


Zelda? My head snaps up to where I thought I heard my sister. There is something floating down from the sky. It is too small to make out right now but I can see the pink color of the dress Zelda wore for the wing ceremony. I jump into action. "Zelda!"

I run to where she is slowly falling and reach out my arms to catch her. She seems to be unconscious and there is a faint glow surrounding her body that I assume is responsible for her slow descent. For a moment her limp body hovers above my arms but then her full weight is distributed in them and I stumble a little from the unexpected weight. It has been a while since I last held my sister or gave her a piggyback ride. I rush her inside to the old woman.

"It's my sister! Do you think she is alright?! That tornado knocked her out of Skyloft!" Everything comes out as a yell.

"Zelda!" The old lady seems torn between feeling excited and feeling worried as she inspects my sister. "She will be fine." She says with a sigh of relief. "But she did not arrive in the manner that she was supposed to... I believe you are right about the tornado. Someone is working to thwart the will of the goddess."

There is a pause as I look at my sister with my heart clenched. It doesn't even cross my mind to ask how the woman knows my sister by name.

"Come now, lay her down here. You will soon grow weary of holding her so."

Ignoring her I continue to peer at Zelda, still in her goddess dress, and wonder if she was scared when she fell. Suddenly a hot burst of anger ignights me as I remember that Ghirahim is behind this and I clench my jaw. Zelda isn't supposed to be here where we might not get back. She belongs in the sky with Link and the loftwings, the academy and her music, the sky island where the sun is always shinning. Soon I am forced to sit down and rest Zelda in my lap because holding her bridal style was wearing on my arms.

After a few tense minutes of thinking angry thoughts towards Ghirahim I turn my mind to other things and ask, "Is Zelda the one you've been waiting for?"

The old woman smiles. "My heart has longed to see her more than anything for quite some time now... but no, I still wait for yet another."

It takes around twenty minutes for my sister to wake up. I smile widley at her and squeeze her. "You're awake!"

She smiles back with surprised joy. "Boy am I glad to see you! I thought that guy got me."

"The one you heard in Skyloft?" She looks surprised that I know. "I heard him too." I explain and she nods in understanding. "He made this storm to try and capture you but there was a flash of light and-"

"Now you are here." The old woman shortens my story.

Zelda gets up and looks at her surroundings. "So that's what happened."

"Oh, thank the goddess a hundred times!" I mutter under my breath as I stand up and stretch my mucles. "I wasn't sure how much longer I could sit like that with Zelda killing my legs." I massage my sore muscles.

My sister laughs. "Hey! I'm not that heavy!"

"Trust me, you are."

She playfully shoves me.

"Girls." We both look at the old woman. "I have to tell you something."

The First Story (A Skyward Sword Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now