Thirty Seven

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Harry and Louis were sitting on tiny, metal chairs a week later in the visitation room of the prison where Ty was being held.

"You've got to believe me. I didn't mean to do it, I swear," Ty rambled desperately, cuffed hands reaching out as though he were trying to grab the boys before him and shake them to convince them. "I wish I could take it all back. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this, it was supposed to be Liam in here. I planted the murder weapon."

"You what?" Louis asked, taken aback. He scooted his chair away slightly and stood, face riddled with confusion.

Ty cleared his throat, chains around his ankles rattling as he nervously tapped his feet. "I planted the murder weapon. I thought that I could pin this all on Liam," he explained. He turned his attention to Harry. "But you're smart, Har. You already figured that out, didn't you?"

"Yeah," Harry said quietly, looking down at his feet.

"Everybody knew Liam treated Cheryl like shit. So when we were in the closet that night and I heard him mention The Cove, I thought that was my way to get Louis out of prison," Ty continued, nodding to himself. His eyes were tired and uneasy as they flickered around the small room.

"I don't understand," Louis quietly said, running a hand through his hair. He was so lost and so upset and he didn't even know what the hell was happening.

"I took some of Liam's footy socks from the closet, wrapped them around the candlestick and the next day I hid it at The Cove," Ty said straight forwardly. His face was deadpanned.

"You planted it so I'd think we found it together," Harry added, wrapping his arms around himself. He felt like a fool.

"I knew the cops would never believe me if I was the one who found it. It had to be you, Harry. And just as I hoped, they arrested Liam and let Louis go."

"But you didn't find the candlestick at Liam's flat, did you? And it wasn't Louis' DNA, it was yours," the curly haired boy asked, even though he already knew the answer.


Niall dropped down off the counter and closed the space between himself and Harry, holding his phone out to the taller lad. "She texted me. See for yourself," he said.

From Cheryl Cole:
Harry! Tomlinson is here and he's pissed!

"It was you at the pool house," Harry whispered, remembering the text Niall had shown him and using it to fill in the few missing pieces in his head.

Ty quickly interjected, "Let me explain. I knew Cheryl."

"From Zayn's? I know she tried to come there to party," Louis asked, frowning. Thin wrinkles creased his forehead as he started to pace.

"It was more than just that. We hooked up a few times. I think she had a thing for Louis and used me as a cheaper model. But I liked her, I really did," Ty paused, swallowing hard. "One night we were lying together and a cockroach ran across the floor. She freaked out and said she had to get out of Lambeth, too gross. So I suggested we went to her place and she told me that it would never happen. She didn't want cockroaches in her flat."

"Ouch," Louis mumbled.

"One night after I'd been drinking, I went to her place. I thought that, I don't know, I could show her I wasn't some scumbag. It was the biggest mistake of my life. She was so wasted she could barely stand, and she went off on me. She started screaming about how I'd never be as good as Louis."

"Why didn't you just leave?" Harry asked, appalled. He wanted so badly to have his friend back, his friend before Harry knew that he murdered someone.

"I wish I would have. But she was pushing all my buttons and I lost it. She told me I was a loser and a drunk and that I'd never go anywhere. She grabbed the candlestick and swung at me. I took it from her hand and as we struggled, it's like I blacked out, but I guess I hit her. I tried to save her but it was too late, she ran outside and fell in the pool."

"Oh my god," Harry gaped, covering his mouth with his hand. He wanted to throw up. He'd already assumed that this was how it went, a less generic assumption at least, but hearing it out loud was completely different.

"You've gotta believe me, I didn't mean to kill her. I swear! I wish I could take it all back."

"Shit, T," Louis finally breathed, sinking back into his chair. He rested a hand on Harry's thigh in an attempt to comfort the lad, eyes locked on his brother's in surprise.

"I know. I should've said something sooner. I couldn't live with myself. I'm so sorry, Louis."

"Ty, I know you never meant for it to be like this. None of this should've ever happened," Harry said quietly, knowing that Ty was already overwhelmed with guilt and not wanting to make that any worse. It didn't matter how upset Harry felt, Ty was the one who had to live with it.

"You should've come to me to begin with, Ty," Louis told him, shaking his head.

"I was too ashamed. I just wanted to run from it. I was about to skip town but then Harry," Ty hesitated, trailing off thoughtfully. "I knew I had to do something. You've been taking my beatings for too long, Louis."

"You did the right thing in the end. You could've left me in here. You could've skipped town and gotten away with it all. But, Harry has a way of bringing out the best in people. Eventually," Louis announced, a hint of pride in his voice as he squeezed his boyfriend's leg fondly.

Harry didn't take the compliment, he just stared down at the table between them with a distinct frown on his face.

"I don't deserve his friendship. Or your brotherhood," Ty said sadly, looking between Harry and Louis.

"I'm here for you, Ty. We're the only family we've got."

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