Chapter 2 - Nora

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When I woke, the first thing I noticed was the unbearable brightness coming from the glass doors that led to the balcony. I winced at the light, snuggling firmly into the chest of the boy holding onto me like a lifeline. I don't even remember who he was, but I remembered what I had done last night. It wasn't like me, but I had been drunk and he had seemed like a really wonderful idea. Still, I buried my face in his skin and tried to will away the headache that pounded behind my eyes.

He sighed in his sleep, turning his nose into my hair and inhaling deeply. I felt oddly comfortable in the arms of my one-night-stand, but I knew it couldn't last. It would be better for me to just slide out of his arms, gather my things, and tip-toe my way out of the apartment before he or any of his roommates woke up. I pulled back slowly, until I could look up at his face, and his name came back to me suddenly. He was Patrick, the singer of the band that Ellie had taken me to celebrate their first album with. I wondered briefly what Ellie would have to say if she knew I had slept with the singer, then quickly pushed the thought away and continued my slow escape from Patrick's arms.

Once I was free, I slowly grabbed my underwear and dress from the floor and pulled them on, not caring that my hair looked exactly like I'd spent the whole night having sex. My phone was still in the pocket of my dress, so I took a moment to pull it out and look at the text messages I had missed during the night, as well as noted that it was almost noon already. There were four messages from Ellie, and six from Shauna, not to mention the three calls from my father. He was probably wondering why I hadn't come home, but he knows not to panic, because I've stayed out late many times before. I sent him a quick text to tell him I would be home soon, then text Ellie to ask her if she could come and pick me up. Then, I grabbed my camera from the bedside table, glanced once more at Patrick as he slept soundly, then ducked quietly out of the room.

The living room was still a mess. There were red plastic cups and beer bottles all over the place, and numerous jackets and hats that had been left behind. There wasn't a soul in sight however, and I was thankful for that as I made my way to the door and let myself out. Ellie had text me back already to tell me she was on her way, and I resolved to wait by the door at the bottom of the stairs. The apartment happened to be connected to a bar, and it was thankfully empty as I paced in front of its windows. Ellie showed up in a matter of minutes, and pulled up along the curb to let me into her car. It was an old Ford Tempo, missing its back bumper, and with tears in the leather seats, but it got us from point A to point B more times than I could count. I climbed into the passenger side, and Ellie immediately grinned at me like she knew exactly what had happened.

"Saw you disappear with Patrick last night," she teased as soon as she pulled away from the curb. "Is he the reason you stayed?"

"Yeah," I admitted, trying my best to sound like it was no big deal. "I stayed with him last night. Sorry I kind of ditched you guys."

"No biggie," Ellie shrugged, "We didn't mind. So do you guys have a thing now, or...?"

"No, Ellie," I laughed, shrugging it off, "It was a onetime thing."

"Oh come on," she gushed, "He's the lead singer of a band, AND he's gorgeous!"

I suddenly remembered Patrick telling me that I was gorgeous. He blurted it out like he had been holding it in all night. I shook my head. "Yeah, but you know I'm not interested in a relationship right now, especially not when I'm leaving for school in less than three months."

"Alright," Ellie sighed, "I'm just saying, I wouldn't let that chance go. What did he say when you left?"

"He was asleep," I said, suddenly feeling guilty for not even leaving him a note. What if he didn't even remember me when he woke up?

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