Chapter 8 - Nora

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                That night, Patrick offered to let me sleep in his bed, while he took the couch in the living room. I tried to deny his offer, but he insisted, and even made the bed for me. He had been impossibly sweet to me all day long, and I couldn't be more thankful to have him around. If I was going to get knocked up by anybody, at least I managed to find a guy who genuinely cares. As he gathered extra blankets from his bedroom to carry out to the couch with him, he pulled an old pair of sweatpants from a drawer and a blue t-shirt that said "Mariners" across the front in big, silver lettering.

"Here," he said, laying them out over the edge of the bed. "I don't know if they'll fit,'s more comfortable to sleep in, I'd think." He shrugged, seemingly unsure of himself, and I smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you, Patrick," I said quietly, standing next to his bed. He grinned at me, and I stretched my arms out. "Goodnight," I said, waiting for a hug.

He hesitated a moment, then stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my waist. I hugged him back tightly, but I was amazed at what a good hugger he was. He held me as close as he could, for a long moment, before he pulled away slowly. "Goodnight, Nora," he said, "If you need anything during the night...don't be afraid to wake me up."

I nodded, thankful, and he smiled once more at me before picking up his blankets and leaving the room. I watched him go, feeling oddly alone once he was gone, and then I changed into the clothes he had left me. It was strange, being in a guy's clothes, despite the fact that I've already slept with him. I've never had a serious boyfriend before, and Patrick was certainly not that, but something about wearing his clothes felt more intimate than sleeping with him. Still, I climbed into bed, in clothes that smelled of him, and wrapped myself in the blankets that also smelled strongly of him. I was surrounded by Patrick, and he was a whole room away. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, but for now, I would content myself with saying that it was comfortable.

I fell asleep quickly, but I woke up around 1:00AM, and was unable to fall back asleep. I was having cramps again, and at the same time, I was suddenly starving again. I got up, slowly tiptoeing my way across the cold, hardwood floor of the bedroom, and carefully pushed the door open. It creaked slightly, and I was afraid that I might wake Patrick, but as I padded into the living room, I found him thoroughly passed out. I walked into the kitchen, however, and nearly had a heart attack.

Pete was sitting there in the dark, a slice of cold pizza in his hands, half asleep at the table. I started when I saw him, catching my breath quickly and breathing out a sigh. "Jesus, you scared the hell out of me," I mumbled, walking to the fridge.

"Sorry," Pete chuckled, "Looking for something to eat?"

"Yeah. Is there pizza left?" I opened the fridge and illuminated the room, looking for a plate of leftovers.

"Bottom shelf," Pete mumbled, food in his mouth. I looked, and immediately located the plate covered with tin foil. I pulled a slice out of it and recovered the plate, sliding it back onto the shelf, then went to sit beside Pete. "So," he said quietly, "You and Patrick are telling your parents tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I said, around a mouthful of pizza, "We have to. I don't want to keep it from my dad anymore."

"Makes sense," Pete whispered. "You know...I don't know if Patrick told you, but you're always welcome here. You can stay over whenever, you don't have to ask."

"I don't want to be a burden to you guys," I sighed, looking at Pete thankfully. "But thank you."

"You're not a burden," he stated, "We look after each other, and you're stuck with us now." I saw him smirk at me in the darkness, and I grinned. I didn't know Pete very well, but I knew Ellie liked him a lot. He was kind, like Patrick, and I could see myself becoming friends with him as well over the coming months. "Besides," he continued, "I'm pulling for the role of godfather to this kid, so I need every chance I can get to suck up to you." I looked up at him and he winked at me, still grinning.

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