Chapter 26 - Nora

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A/N: Hi everyone! I FINALLY wrote the next chapter!! I know I'm bad at keeping promises, but I can assure you all, I'm already working on the next chapter. I want to finish this book, I don't want to just leave it unfinished. I hope you're all still willing and excited to read it! 

 Four weeks flew by in a flash. I kept busy, just like Patrick told me to, and I even went on a few weekend trips around the city to take pictures of the home I had missed while I was on tour. I talked to Patrick every day, and he called me every single night, without fail. Within the last week, however, life began to drag. There was no more shopping I could possibly do, and being over eight months pregnant, I didn't have the energy to go out anywhere for pictures. Ellie and Shawna were both busy with schoolwork, so I was spending a majority of my time with my father.

He was starting to become a little overprotective. I could understand why, because it was at this stage of my mother's pregnancy that everything had gone horribly wrong. I kept myself up at night sometimes just thinking about it and worrying for myself and my baby. Patrick was wonderful about it; He was always assuring me that I would get to hold, love, and raise Declan. He swore to the heavens that he would do whatever it took to ensure that I was okay. At the very least, it was comforting to know that he was so optimistic.

In the middle of my last week without Patrick home, his parents came over to help my dad move the crib to the apartment. We had all meant to get this done weeks ago, but of course it had been put off until the last minute. I sat in the living room and watched helplessly as my dad and Mr. Stumph carried my crib out the door, with Mrs. Stumph following behind them to make sure no one got hurt. I felt useless, but I knew I couldn't do anything strenuous. Once they were out the door, however, I summoned the strength to push myself up out of my seat. I groaned in pain almost immediately, bracing one hand against my lower back and one beneath my belly. My lower back had been killing me all morning; I assumed it either the way I had slept, or it was from carrying around the equivalent of a bowling ball in stomach. It wasn't enough of a bother to stop me from following the adults outside, however.

I got out there just as they were loading the crib into my dad's truck. Mr. Stumph was telling my dad that they would follow us out there, but Mrs. Stumph immediately took notice of me. She beamed brightly at me as I waddled over to her. "Look at you," she cooed, "Still glowing in month eight! How are you feeling today, dear?"

"Good," I sighed, tired from the walk out here. "My back is just a little sore. Probably from this big guy." I splayed my hands over my stomach, to emphasize the point of his size.

"Well, at least we're getting close. I'm sure you can't wait to get him out."

"I can't," I giggled, "I'm too excited to meet him."

"As we all are," she said, smiling widely.

My father walked over, smirking at me and glancing up and down, as if to make sure I was okay. "Ready to head out?" He questioned.

I nodded vigorously and began my slow, laborious waddle to the truck, ignoring the playful, teasing laugh of Mrs. Stumph behind me. My dad helped me into the seat, and before I knew it, we were off. It wasn't a long drive to the apartment, but after a few minutes, I felt my hands suddenly beginning to get a little shaky. I realized suddenly that I had barely eaten anything today, besides a single slice of toast hours ago. I sighed heavily and tried to relax against the seat. "I need to get something to eat when we get there," I breathed, closing my eyes.

My father looked at me in concern. "Are you okay?" He asked, "You look a little pale, honey."

"I'm fine," I insisted, "Just tired and hungry."

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