Chapter 15 - Patrick

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That afternoon, after the guys had joined us and we were headed for Houston, we stopped at a mall to find some clothes for Nora. She was pretty certain that she would begin to show a lot more in the third month, which she was already in, and she was going to need, essentially, an entirely new wardrobe. So, while everyone else branched off to shop where they pleased in the mall, Nora and I headed for the first clothing store we could find that had a maternity section. We walked into the store hand-in-hand, but as we neared the maternity section, I felt Nora suddenly pull her hand from mine. I looked at her curiously, but she just continued to walk beside me, her hand now at her side and her eyes focused straight ahead.

    I shoved my hand in my pocket, not saying anything, but wondering what had made her let go. When we reached the aisles of clothes, she began searching through racks of jeans first, still completely silent. I followed behind her quietly, just watching her for a moment. She pulled a dark pair of jeans off the rack, the waistband of them noticeably different than a regular pair of jeans. She looked them over carefully, holding them up to her own waist, then put them back on the rack. "I like these ones," I said suddenly, reaching for a pair that were a lighter blue. Nora glanced at me nervously, taking the jeans from me. She still didn't say anything, but she held onto the jeans I had picked out. I let her continue to search, and once she had two pairs of jeans and some new sweatpants in her arms, she turned to look at me.

    "Patrick," she said suddenly, "You don't have to stay with me, you know. If you want to look around the mall, you can."

    I narrowed my eyes at her curiously. She wasn't acting like herself at all. "I'm fine," I said, shrugging. "I wanted to help. Unless, you don't want me to?"

    She hesitated in answering, and I had my answer before she said anything. For some reason, she didn't want me to shop with her. "I don't mind," she lied, avoiding eye contact now as she started looking through some shirts. I watched her slowly pick through a rack of sweaters, a slight frown on her face that she probably didn't think I had noticed. At first, I let this continue, standing awkwardly behind her as she looked for clothes. Then, with a resigned sigh that I wanted to make sure she heard, I went to sit on a bench near the fitting rooms. She didn't acknowledge my absence, but she was quick to gather a bunch of clothes before she disappeared into a fitting room, not even glancing at me as she passed. While she was in there, I decided to send a group message to the guys.

    Patrick: Nora's acting weird. Like she doesn't want me here. Idk what to do.

    I only waited a few second before the replies started filing in from each of them, and they all seemed just as concerned as I was.

    Andy: Is it pregnancy hormones?

    Pete: Did she say anything to you?

    Joe: Did you say anything that might have pissed her off?

    Patrick: No, she was fine all morning until we walked into the store. She just stopped holding my hand, and now she'll barely speak to me.

    Andy: Definitely hormones. She's supposed to get mood swings, right?

    Joe: Or Patrick definitely pissed her off somehow.

    Pete: I'm on my way.

    Patrick: Maybe it is hormones. I didn't piss her off. And Pete, why?

    Pete: I have delicate information to pass on.

    Patrick: Delicate information?

    Pete: I'll tell you when I get there. What store are you in?

    Patrick: JC Penny

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