Chapter One ☆

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Gasping for air, Eliza coughed and frantically swept her hands across her face, as if expecting to find signs of her demise. Fingers clenching the crisp grass beneath her, she sought an anchor in the physical world.

Her heart pounded in her chest, her parched throat begged for relief, and a pounding headache reverberated through her skull. These unsettling dreams had plagued her ever since her father had abandoned her and her mother.

Gradually, her eyelids grew heavy, and Eliza succumbed to sleep's embrace.

In the swaying field, the delicate blades of grass danced, whispering in harmony with the gentle breeze. The melodious rustling of leaves caressed her ears, serenading her as the morning unfolded.

Eliza often sought solace in this field, lying down and surrendering herself to the embrace of the earth. From this vantage point, she gazed at the sky as it transformed from the deep blue of night to a radiant blend of orange and red.

Monstrous clouds crept across the heavens at a leisurely pace, inviting her to witness their majestic passage. Her nails dug into the soft, moist earth as she extended an index finger toward the sky, playfully cutting through the invisible air. Adjusting her glasses, she turned her gaze toward the forest that lay before her.

The beckoning branches seemed to whisper an invitation.

Whenever her eyes closed, whether from exhaustion or deep contemplation, the same recurring nightmare consumed Eliza's consciousness. In this dark vision, a creature dragged a woman through an ominous alley, enveloping her senses with a macabre spectacle.

The vividness of the nightmare granted her the ability to see, touch, hear, and smell every chilling detail, as if it were her present reality. It was an incomplete puzzle, a missing piece that tormented her mind.

Being a witch brought with it a perpetual sense of déjà vu, with nightmares as a scorching side dish. Rising to her feet, Eliza cast one last glance at the foreboding forest. Then, she set off along the path that led back home. The field was her sanctuary, where she confronted the weighty thoughts that plagued her young adult life.

It suddenly dawned on her that she had her first class at college today. With a burst of energy, she sprinted along the dirt trail, passing Miss Canary's house in a blur. Disregarding any notion of road safety, she darted across a street, narrowly avoiding a car that sped by. Leaping forward, she landed in front of her house, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Silently opening the door, she tiptoed upstairs, intent on gathering herself before facing the world. Upon entering her room and settling onto the bed, a sudden shrill screech pierced the air.

Jared, her cat, emerged from beneath the tangled sheets, effortlessly leaping onto the windowsill. He meticulously groomed his claws, fixing his gaze upon Eliza, then glanced at the alarm clock, which continued its hysterical beeping.

"That," he paused dramatically, "was quite rude." His ear twitched with irritation. "I expect a sincere apology, Eliza."

Rolling her eyes, Eliza adjusted her disheveled hair and hurried to her drawer. Clothing flew haphazardly in all directions, transforming her room into a chaotic sea of bras and shirts. With each furious rummage, socks rained down upon Jared's furry head.

The alarm clock momentarily ceased its cacophony, only to resume its whining a few moments later. Something was clearly wrong with that clock; surely it would cease its beeping soon.

Jared bumped his head against the windowpane, completely buried beneath a mountain of socks, causing him to topple from the shelf.

"Oh, the filth! You've murdered me," he wailed. "Do you ever tidy up your clothes, woman?" Sniffling, he added, "It's positively revolting." Jerking his head to the side, he dislodged a sock, then collided with the bed, cursing under his breath.

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