Chapter Twenty ☆

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Eliza knew not to question Jared's motives, and turned her attention back towards the shop, her curiosity piqued. With Dawn at her side, they continued their cautious exploration. 

The absence of anyone else in the store prompted her to consider gathering some essential items. Approaching the weapon rack, she recollected Miss Canary's words about the blue-tipped, poisoned dagger.

"Blue-tipped," Eliza muttered, lost in thought.

Her gaze traversed the array of weapons neatly arranged on the hooks before her. Taking a deliberate breath and focusing on her task, she spotted a faint glimmer of light blue at the edge of her vision. The source emanated from the last dagger on the left side of the wall. Approaching it with measured steps, she felt a sense of relief wash over her.

"Are you certain this is the dagger to take down a shifter?" Dawn inquired, voicing her uncertainty.

Eliza looked at her friend, the dagger now in her grasp. "I used a similar dagger to kill David."

Dawn's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, what? You never told me that... Liz, you killed him?"

"It was him or me," Eliza replied, her tone unflinching. "I had to defend myself."

Dawn averted her gaze, visibly uncomfortable. "I thought he was innocent, though."

Eliza's patience showed signs of strain. "Dawn, if this is too much for you to handle, you don't have to be part of it."

Shaking her head, Dawn glanced towards the door behind Eliza. "When did you become so focused on weapons? And remember, we need to pay for whatever we take."

A wry smile touched Eliza's lips. "This is who I am. I'm a witch, Dawn. You should know that by now."

Eliza slipped the dagger into her purse, her actions catching Dawn's attention. Dawn's lips formed a subtle frown as she observed Eliza's next move. Disapproval etched on her face, she shook her head. As Eliza placed a collection of empty, clear vials into her bag, she shifted her focus to the array of clothing displayed.

Dawn's eyes widened as they landed on the provocative attire before them. Eliza couldn't resist a teasing comment. "Looks like this section's more your style."

She strutted into the midst of the black sea of leathery garments, and in an instant, Dawn was beside her, tossing clothes in Eliza's direction. Dawn grabbed a pair of white knee-high boots, then another pair, this one black with silver studs snaking up the length.

"Time to go, before we're caught," Eliza urged.

Dawn, however, had one more thing in mind. She raised a finger to her lips in a hushing gesture. Handing Eliza a black mask outlined in silver, she explained, "Every assassin needs a way to conceal their identity. Even if you're not aiming to be one, ninjas use them, and they're sort of similar, right?"

Eliza's eyes rolled, but a smile tugged at her lips. "Ninjas and assassins aren't exactly the same thing."

Dawn shrugged. "Close enough."

Taking some of the clothes from Eliza, Dawn helped her gather the pilfered items. With their newfound haul, they dashed back to Eliza's car, stowing everything in the back seat before speeding away. Stealing from a witch store might not sit well with their moral compasses, but Eliza had her reasons. As a witch, she had every right to arm herself against the very mystics they were born to combat. These items could prove crucial in her mission to take down corrupt mystics, with Stacy as her primary target.


Entering their house, they let the clothes from Witcher's Place cascade onto Eliza's bed. Eliza hooked a pair of glasses into place, her fingers catching on the unruly strands of her hair. A quick yelp escaped her lips, followed by Dawn's concerned rush to her side.

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