Sam the russian biotch

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Sam called in the middle of class

Alex: I gotta take this.

Alex walked out of the room, and I just happened to hear Alex's part of the conversation  :/

"Yo I'm in the middle of class!!"

"No! Of course not!"

"I miss you already"

That moment my stomach felt weird

"How was it? Good? Awesome! I wish I was there to see you"

"Did you get my gift yet?"

"lol I know"


"Ok. I love you too. Bye!"

I ran to my seat when Alex hung up

Lauren: w-who was it?

Alex: oh it was sam! She just landed in Russia!

Lauren: oh. Cool.

I never thought guys would friend zone girls.
But they do. At least Alex does.


Lilly: I think at this moment you need to stop liking him.

Lauren: I can't!! It's, weird.

You know what? It can't be hard! I don't need Alex! The next time I see him I'm going to not say a word to him because I'm an independent wo-

Alex: Lauren!

Lauren: hi Alex!

Alex: so, i need to talk to you. Again.

Lauren: sure!

Lilly: I'll leave you to alone.

Lilly walked away

Alex: *sigh* so Roy told me that Alec told Jessica that Mary told Sal that Jerry told Jimmy that Sean told Jacob that samantha is cheating on me!!

Lauren: I'm sorry, what??

Alex: I know right?? Why would she cheat on me with a Europe dude?

Lauren: don't you mean European?

Alex: whatever dude! I'm too sad to make big words!!!!!!! And mad!!

Lauren: hey, it's alright.

Alex: thinking back to when I thought we would get married. That dream is crushed.

Lauren: I know, but I'm assuming that you had crushes in like third grade you thought you'd marry!

Alex: like Katy, Fiona, Lauren...

Lauren: what?

Alex: what?

Lauren: anyway, not everything turns out like you planned it. But when the plan changes is when your life begins.

Alex: so your basically saying I've not been living?

Lauren: and you can do whatever you want right now in this minute, and you've lived.

Alex when on his phone and called someone.

" Sam! Hi babe. So I've been hearing rumors that you cheated on me?"

"Well that's why I'm calling you!"

"Je t'aime? Who's that?"


"Oh by the way, I'm breaking up with you!"

"No it's not because of that!"

"Wtf Sam! So not cool!"

"You know what? I don't need this!"

Alex hung up then leaned against the wall and it when next to him

Alex: why did I do that?

Lauren: I don't know.

There was a moment of silence...

Alex: Lauren?

Lauren: yeah?

Alex: I loved Samantha. I honestly thought Salex was going to be serious.


Alex: have you ever imagined our ship name?

Lauren: I guess it would be, laurex?

Alex: after all these years, Lauren rihimaki, will you go on a date with m-

Alex got a phone call.

My heart broke into 1 million pieces and all the pieces are now in the garbage

"Ugh sam I'm in the middle of something!!"

"Ok, I'm sorry. Happy??"

"Sam I don't like you anymore!"

"I told you, I'm breaking up with you!"

"Wait, you got me a present?"

"Omg really! No way!!"

"I've always wanted to see them!!"

"Omg no! Stop! No no no!!"

"Are you freaking kidding me??"

"So you bought why don't we tickets, and you gonna just f*cking burn them you dumbass idiot???"

"I'm blocking you b*tch."

Alex hung up and was so mad he threw his phone on ground.

Lauren: what happened?

Alex: she said she bought three tickets to the why don't we 1 year anniversary! Then she freaking burned them!!

Lauren: are you serious? Those are almost sold out!

Alex: I've never hated her more.

Lauren: so, what were you going to say?

Alex: never mind. I'll tell you tomorrow.

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