Ohhhhh another cliffhanger! :p

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Next day

Lauren: yo Zander!!!

Zander: sup Lauren! How's life?

Lauren: chill!

Zander: really? After you kissed Alex last night?

Lauren: that wasn't a dream?

Zander chuckled

Zander: your funny sucker fish!

Zander called me sucker fish after our first kiss. I don't think I need to explain.

Lauren: whatever. So, that argument with Lilly was real?

Zander: duh! But don't worry! You got the azlc crew!

That's what everyone called us in middle school

Lauren: that's still a thing?

Zander: well ever since you left us it's been the azc crew but now your back!!!

Lauren: gosh I forgot how fun it was having guy friends. But Alex-

Zander: don't worry about him. I got him under control

Lauren: really?

Zander: you know, i know a lot about girls.

Lauren: no you don't!

Zander: oh yeah? Who taught  you how to brush the end of your hair correctly?

Lauren: you.

Zander: who showed you how to get the perfect wing liner?

Lauren: you.

Zander: and Who taught you how to put in a tampon correctly?

Lauren: should have been my mom. But no. It was you. Are you sure your not gay?

Zander: nah I f*cked Tracy it was great!

Lauren: didn't need to know that.

Zander: the point is, I know how to deal with your feelings! And I got this girl thing down!

Lauren: ok, then what's the girl code?

Zander: um trick question, It's depends on the girl! If it's a white Starbucks girl, probably never date your best friends boy. If it's a girl like you then probably something about friends or whatever.

Zander is the reason I live. You know why?
He can cheer me up any day.

Lauren: ok, maybe you know a little bit about girls.

Zander: I gotta go. See ya later sucker fish!

Lauren: I've gotten better at that kissing thing!

Zander: heh, alright sucker fish!

I smiled then Lilly came up to me.

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