Sleepover secrets

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Authors note: sup! I actually wrote a new story called the foreign exchange student! I know it's not what I usually write but still it might interest you! Ok bye!


I woke up from an intense sleepover at Lauren's.
Lets recap.....


I walked into the door of Lauren's house and threw my backpack to the side.

Zander: this is going to be fun.

Me and Lauren decided to bake a cake.
It didn't go as planned.

Lauren: turn off the fire alarm Zander!!!!

Me and Lauren were waving pillows in the air to stop the smoke.

Zander: I can't!!! It's too high up!!!

The fire alarm finally stopped and we both had a sigh of relieve, then started laughing.

Next we decided to have a water gun fight, indoors. With Radios.

Zander: ok, Lauren do you copy?

Lauren: copy.

Zander: i have spotted the a$$hole on the loose. I think it's time to attack commander.

Lauren: attack in three, two, one!

Me and Lauren shoot or water guns at a picture of Alex.


Zander: ok, I'm tired.

Lauren: how about let's just talk about stuff.

Zander: sounds great!!

Flashback over....


He has no idea I'm using him to rant right now gurl.

We go upstairs to my room inside the camping tent we set up in my room.

Zander: ok, you rant first.

I took a deep breath.

Lauren: I still like Alex.

He gasped.

Zander: wait really?? Not Chris or josh?

Lauren: yeah, I tried to use them to get over it but, it's not working. But he's a douche so, I can't fall back in love.

Zander: welllllll, actually, Alex talked to me about it, he's said he was nervous.

Lauren: nervous!

I started to laugh out loud.

Lauren: Zander, he used me to make his ex girlfriend jealous! I feel like that's kinda messed up.

Zander: but didn't you do the same thing?

Ohhhh. I did.

Lauren: yes but...

Zander: but what, when you do it it's right?

Lauren: I'm a mess.

Zander: so is Alex. You have other problems, he has other problems, you both do together!

Lauren: isn't it opposites attract?

Zander: Bich I'm failing science I don't care.

I laughed.


I needed to tell something to Lauren really badly.

Lauren: ok, your turn to rant.

I took a deep breathe and hugged Lauren first.

Zander: what I'm about to tell you shouldn't come out of your mouth again, ok?

She nodded and I stopped hugging her.

Zander: ok, Lauren. You are awesome. You don't need Chris to make Alex jealous because Alex already regrets his decision.

Lauren: ok?

Zander: when I saw you kiss Chris. I, something came over me.

Lauren gave me a questioned look.

Zander: Because I have a crush on Chris.

Lauren gave me a surprised look as I started to cry.

Zander: and, its happened before with other girls Chris had dated. I, I think I'm gay.

To be continued.....

Also if you want to check out my new story "the foreign exchange student" I would love you to death! Even though it's not what I usually write but it would be nice if you showed it some love!! Ok bye!!!!

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