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Alex: um, Lauren I'll talk to you tomorrow!!

Alex ran and I sighed.
Zander walked over to me.

Zander: don't worry I got this-

Lauren: no Zander, it's ok. I was just, feeling too confident.

Zander: there's no such thing as being to confident!

Lauren: what about people who become cocky?

Zander: there's already a word for that! Anyways, yes, you were confident! But, if Alex doesn't appreciate that he isn't the good guy you thought he was.

Lauren: this thing is people always say that, but it's hard to not think he's a good guy after he just turned me down.

Zander: well do it. The same shit is going to happen later over and over again!

Lauren: but why can't it stop?

Zander sat next to me

Zander: Lauren, remember when we dated and every time we hung out you sweated like a huge  pig on a hot summer day with a-

Lauren: your point?

Zander: my point is, you were so nervous that one day I decided to break up with you. And when I did that, I cried that night. The whole night. And, I'm over it now and it became one of those funny stories you tell at parties!

Lauren: I love you Zander. Like, brother wise.

Zander: man friend zoned again.

Me and Zander laughed

Zander: well I will let you talk to Alex while I call him over right now. ALEX!!! GET YOUR BASKETBALL PLAYING BUTT OVER HERE AND TALK TO HER YOU COWARD!!! Ok see ya.

Zander walked then ran away

Alex: s-sorry, Lauren, I can't do a relationship right now.

Lauren: that's fine. Perfectly fine.

Alex: so you'll be good? Right?

Lauren: yep. I, already have a boyfriend anyway!

Alex questioned me with doubt.

Alex: really? And who is this person you call, boyfriend?

Lauren: um, ZANDER!!

Zander turned around and came to us

Zander: yeah?

Without thinking I kissed Zander and Alex gasped

Alex: so you really are together?

I winked at Zander

Zander: y-yes! Back together again!

Alex: oh, nice.

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