Heating agruments

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Man. I wish I could have just asked her out instead of waiting the next day. Now she likes Chris. Instead of me.

Alex: awww- I mean, cool. So, you-

Chris: wow I didn't know that. I haven't talked to you since like, second grade?


Lauren: I have to go!


I fast walked to the girl/boys bathroom and Lilly followed

Lilly: what was that all about??????

Lauren: I- I don't know!! I hate being on the spot!

Lilly: so you'd rather date Chris instead of Alex- the guy of your dreams??

Lauren: I mean, I know I regret it!!!!! I wish I said they were about Alex! Why does Adam have to ruin everything?????

Lilly: don't blame Adam. It's your fault you're  now with Chris!

Lauren: well it's his fault we were even in this mess!!

Lilly: but it was your responsibility to say it was Alex! You couldn't just say that???

Lauren: Lilly, you know I hate being on the spot!!!!

Lilly: so? That doesn't change the fact that you are now with Chris!

Lauren: why do you care so much???

Lilly: did you forget I'm your best friend??

Lauren: no but i think you forgot ten minutes ago!!!

Lilly: what are you talking about??

Lauren: what am I talking about?? Are you serious???

Lilly: whatever dude! I was trying to help you!

Lauren: oh yeah great help!!! You getting together with Adam and making me the third wheel is really helping me!! You, icing me out to go see Adams dumb soccer practice is really helping me!!! Especially in this part of my life you've been great help 🙄!!! Where I need someone most you decide to make me a third wheel???????????

Lilly: I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry.

Lauren: you say your sorry then all of a sudden Adam will come along and you turn into a different person!!!! Your there for me for like three seconds then you go away!!!!

Lilly: I said I'm sorry! What else can I do?

Lauren: be there for me? Maybe, talk to me for more than 10 seconds? Or even become a better friend???

Lilly: I thought I was!

Lauren: well your clearly not!!!! Did you not just hear me??

Lilly: well I guess we can't be friends!

Lauren: I'll do just fine without you!! Have fun with Adam!!

She walked out of the bathroom and I went to the back of the bathroom and started to sob.

Alex walked in

Alex: Lilly wasn't a good friend anyway

Lauren: how did you know what we were talking about?

Alex: you were screaming.

Lauren: oh.

Alex: whatever man. You don't need her. She wasn't a great friend-icing you out like that.

Lauren: I guess so. But, we've never had a heated argument like this over something so silly-

Alex: did I mention I heard what you were arguing about?


Lauren: yes I think you did mention that.

Alex: ok. Did I mention that, I agree with you?

Lauren: what?

Alex ran to me and kissed me....

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