01| A Familiar Place

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Darkness is what surrounds me. All I can hear is the faint beating of my heart and droplets of water hitting the ground. I walk forward in what seems to be water, no more than half a foot of it. The echoes caused by my footsteps only lead me to believe that I'm in what seems to be a sewer. It's been almost every night that I've ended up in here and I don't know why. I've had this, what seems to be a dream for what I can remember as years.  At least I think it's a dream. This is all too real to be a dream as I can feel the wetness of the water and I could smell the putrefying scent of death.

"Hello?" I call out, my voice echoing, bouncing against the walls of what seems to be an enlarged area.

I start hearing giggling in the distance. But not any kind of giggling. A kind that's maniacal, insane even. It starts out as a low grumble and reaches its peak as a high-pitched insane laughter. The darkness starts to lighten as I can finally see what's in front of me. Indeed it's a sewer or an old well of some sort.

I can't make out what exactly it is, but it's almost like some kind of boiler room, with many vault like doors and fences against the walls and windows. As I turn to see what else is around, I am faced with a terrifying feat. A clown. I'm only frozen in fear. I can't move, can't talk, all I could do is breathe and shutter in fear.

"Boo." He says plainly following a bloodcurdling giggle. "Oh how I've missed you (y/n). It's been so long since we've seen each other!" He says as he circles around me, examining me. "My, how you've grown."

This thing was indeed a clown. It's skin was a cracked pale white, his red smile reaching up the apples of his cheeks and going up his eyes and above his eyebrows. His eyes were in electric pale blue and they were very big. His teeth were jagged, but his two front teeth were peculiar, almost bunny like. His bright orange hair fraying in every direction and his clown uniform once a clean crisp white now dirty and dingy as if he were rolling around in dirt.

"W-Who are you?" I managed to stutter.

Fear struck me and for some reason, I felt a sense of comfort around this monster. It's almost as if I've known him before or seen him because yes I was scared but at the same time - I wasn't.

"Oh come on now (Y/n), you know who I am. I'm Pennywise the dancing clown!"  He said enthusiastically as he bowed forward in a very polite manner. Little bells jingle at some of his movements which I found kind of cute. "We've met on many occasions."

"No I don't believe so... although... for some reason you look so familiar to me." I was absolutely terrified by his presence. His eyes stalked my every move, even the way I gestured my hands as I spoke.

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho! So very smart! Just as you always were. Which means... you're just as delicious!" He laughed that same menacing laugh as he did before but this time he lunged forward, his lanky long legs taking only a few steps to get to me.

He placed both of his large hands roughly on either side of my cheek, his tattered gloves itching my skin. This...thing was large indeed. He took a near 2 feet off of my height as he hunched over to look at me. His aroma was very overbearing. Like stale popcorn and ancient cotton candy.

He was very close to me, and surprisingly his breath wasn't even that bad. It was warm and his subtle voice as he exhaled had a low growl to it. His eyes though had frightening hunger to it. His eye color changed from once was a pale blue to a frightening yellow and orange.

"I've waited so long for this (y/n)!" He yelled.

His saliva from his hunger dripped down his chin and onto my face as his grip began to tighten on my cheeks. I shut my eyes tight as I screamed for my life, fighting and kicking as I tried to escape. Then as I continued, I realized his grip was gone and someone was shaking me.

I Remember You from Long Ago (Pennywise x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now