04| The Disappearance of Betty Ripsom

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I grabbed the doorknob with haste and flung the door open

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I grabbed the doorknob with haste and flung the door open. I took a sharp turn and began to dash down the steps, my feet thumping hard against the wooden floors.

"Honey, don't run so fast down those steps, you can break your neck if you fall." I heard a voice say. I looked to the kitchen where it was coming from to see my mother unpacking the boxes I forgot to unload the first day we came in.

"Mom!" I yelled while running to the kitchen. I crashed into my mother while throwing my arms around her tightly.

I couldn't believe she was here. I thought that Pennywise would wait for her to get here and kill her and dad.

"Mom where were you?!" I cried out.

"We were home...what made you think we left?" She said while taking a look at me and stroking the back of my head.

"You...you left a note...saying you left...didn't you?" I asked with a confused expression spread across my face.

"Left? Honey, dad and I were sleeping upstairs in the room. And note? You mean this?" She grabbed the note that I had set on the table and opened it, turning it around so I can see it. I squinted at the scripted letters that followed:


"It's a shopping list...but...what about the balloon magnet?!" I said as I grabbed the red magnet from the kitchen counter. I looked at it to see the magnet as an apple, not a balloon.

"Huh..." I quietly mumbled. "And the books? I suppose you don't know about those either?" I said, knowingly answering she won't know what I was talking about.

"Oh the books I know about. While you were sleeping I went to a thrift shop near by and picked up a whole box of books and put them on the shelf. Come to think of it, did you put a book on the floor last night?" She said while reaching into one of the boxes on the counter top.

She pulled out the book I had thrown on the floor, still slightly charred from the fireplace.

"And what did I say about fires? Don't light the fireplace. Especially if we're asleep." She said waving her finger at me. I thought to myself quietly, everything did happen last night. It just happened differently.

"So...you didn't hear me yelling and screaming last night?" I asked precariously.

"Screaming? Why were you screaming?" She asked curiously.

"Oh...Um..." I lightly grabbed the book from my mother's hand and slowly opened it, seeing the pages filled with...words. It wasn't blank like before. It was actually about the history of Derry.

"It was just a spider..." I lied. "A really big spider." I said staring down at the book.

"Well this house is pretty old." She grunted while moving a box onto the counter top connected to the fridge and sink. "And what happened to your hair? What did you do to it? You have more grey hair than me." She said while playing with a strand.

I Remember You from Long Ago (Pennywise x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now