Chapter 3: gunshot

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"Jakey there was a big noise outside, I think it was a gunshot" I told him attempting to pull him out of bed.

He jumped up putting on sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I dragged him by the wrist down the stairs before we all sat in the lounge in pure silence.

After about 15 minutes in silence jake spoke up.

"Babe it was probably something else" he said kissing my head before getting up to leave.

"Please stay with us" I asked him.

"Okay just let me get some comfier clothes on" he told me.

Jake turned around but as he started to walk up the stairs, the sound rung again.

I heard a pound on the door and jake ran to my side.

"It's okay, you'll be okay" jake reassured me as the tears fell down my cheeks.

I huddled myself into jakes chest as everyone found A place to hide within the house.

A loud noise filled the room as glass fell to the ground.

It then hit me,

The intruder was inside.

My body shook against jakes chest and he rubbed my back slowly.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" someone yelled from the top of the stairs.

It's was Anthony

"Poor Anthony, wrong place wrong time eh?" The intruders voice ran throughout the house.

"Don't hurt him!" I screamed as jake immediately slapped his hand over my mouth

But it was too late.

The footsteps came closer.

"Well well well, the culprits themselves" the voice rang as a foot fell in front of me

The intruder still hadn't realised we were here.

The body turned around and a silent wave of relief fell over me.

By this time Anthony had disappeared.

My heart thumped as someone grabbed my t-shirt and pulled me into the open.

I tried to identify the person but through the black mask I just couldn't in this dark room.

That's when jake stood up.

"You can't hurt her, she's pregnant!"

"Pregnant?" The intruders voice rang and I could almost hear the hint of jealousy and sadness in their voice.

It had to be some messed up psycho fan of jakes.

The intruder dropped my shirt and the sudden move caused me to fall to the ground.

The intruders foot sat atop of my stomach and I immediately felt terrified for my baby.

"Looks like I have 2 killings to make" the intruder spoke and I could almost make out the smirk on their face.

My motherly instinct hit and I dug my fresh nails into the intruders leg.

They definitely belonged to a female.

Was it Jess ?

No, it couldn't be.

I brushed off the thought continuing my act of self defence

It wasn't long until me and Jake had the intruder on the ground.

The gunshot ran through my ears as the intruder fired it in a random direction

Shaken by the act, I backed away slowly.

"You know I could kill you right here right now, but ild rather make you suffer."

My throat ran dry as a rope tightened around my wrists.

Jake immediately attempted to come to my rescue but failed landing on the ground painfully.

I could see the blood dripping from the side of his head.

Jake refused to give up. He tried to fun to my side before I felt a knife to my neck.

"Take one step and she's dead" the intruder rang, her voice directed towards Jake.

I ducked away from the knife and ran to Jake as he worked to try free my hands.

"Who wants to die first?"

"Don't kill her, kill me" an unexpected voice filled my ears.

"ALEXIS NO!" I yelled stepping in front of her.

"My first two victims" the intruder chuckled.

The gun fire rang and I looked behind me to see a body, blood pouring from it.

"Alexis!" I screamed lowering myself to her side

"Looks like your next" a chuckle came out before I felt the cold gun barrel against my head.

Just as I was about to accept my fate a few sirens rang from outside.

"Shit" I heard the intruder mutter under he breath as she ran for the door.

I ran for the light switch so I could see how bad the wounds of Alexis were.

That's when Anthony appeared at the top of the stairs.

"The cops should be on their way, sorry I couldn't call them sooner the line was having trouble connecti- ALEXIS!" He yelled as he saw her body sprawled across our trampoline area.

We all just stood around her body as I frantically applied bandages to the wound before the ambulance arrived.

"Is she alive?" Was the only sound in the room.




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