Chapter 8: I did

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"No, No, No!" I screamed tears streaming down the edges of my face.

Why me, why does every bad little thing happen to me.

I looked over at jake who stood like a mannequin. His face was pale and tears fell from his eyes hitting the tile floor slowly.

He was speechless.

"This cannot be real" I mumbled to myself.

"I'm very sorry for your loss, I can't imagine what your going through right now" Terry told us.

"Alissa could you come run some further tests to help find the cause of this?"

"Sure" i replied.

Jake followed still silent, it seemed as if he was a robot.

I reached for his hand but he moved away rejecting me.

That's what broke me inside.

He looked back at me, but his facial expression never changed.

Then he finally reached out his arm, and held my hand with his.

It was almost like in that moment I felt like I had had so much pain lifted as I knew I hadn't lost the love of my life yet.

We walked into another room and the warm embrace of jakes hand slowly drifted away.

"First we're just going to take a little bit of your blood okay?"

"Okay" I replied.

I cringed as the needle slowly went into my arm. My blood started to fill the tube and I had to look away until it was done.

"Okay I'll take this out for testing for now could you try pee in this? He asked handing me a small cup looking thing.

"Thats fine" I said as jake helped me sit up and I hobbled to the bathroom.

I successfully managed to pee in the cup.

I walked back into the room and sat
back on the bed once again gripping jakes hand.

A different nurse came in and took away the cup.

About 30 mins later Terry the nurse came back in, taking a seat in the corner

"Okay so I have a couple things to go over, first I'm just going to tell you that you've taken or been given a dose of a very dangerous drug aimed to kill you. I'm going have to ask you a series of questions to try and help us okay? I also want to let you know that the police department will be involved."

I held a moment to take everything in before nodding my head for him to continue.

"Jake, you will need to leave the room for a few minutes"

Jake obeyed and left.

"I need you to promise me you will tell me the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth" he said turning on a camera.

A police officer soon walked into the room and took a seat.

"Have you taken any substance in the last week"


"Have you witnessed any dodgy scenes around your house"

"Not since Alexis was shot"

"Are you suicidal"

This one hit me like a pang on the chest.

A tear formed in the corner of my eye.

"N-no" I said.

"Are you sure, because I am aware that your partner attempted suicide"

"I-I used to be but I'm better now" I said.

"When was the Last time you drunk or ate something that had been left unattended"

I thought back to the glass of wine I had this evening.

"This evening sir" I told him.

The police officer quickly jotted something down.

"Who was with you"


"Was jake still there when you left?"

"No he was with me"

"Okay that's all I have to ask you now, you will be required to attend the station tomorrow" Terry told me.

"Okay" I replied.

As the officer left jake came into the room

His eyes were jet with fear.

Sweat was dripping from his face and he had been crying.

"E-Everything okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, somebody drugged me" I told him.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Luckily the baby provided a barrier to harming me too much"

"O-Okay" he said shakily.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him

"Yes, it's fine" he replied

"Jake, if I ask you something will you respond truthfully?"

"Yes" he said another tear falling down his cheek.

He was trying to hide his tears.

"D-did you do this?" I asked, I knew that it wouldn't be true but he was the only other one there.

"Y-Yes" he said.

"I did"

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