Chapter 13: One Last Night

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What the heck

What the heck did I just do

What the heck was I thinking




How could I ?

Alissa was own her own now, and it was my fault.

"We are now going to take a short break and finalise our sentence, we will return at 3:00pm"

That was my chance, i stood up from my seat and ran to Alissa holding her tight in my arms

"I'm sorry" I said letting my tears fall onto her shoulder.

"It's okay jake, I will be okay" she told me but I could clearly tell she was not

"I don't know why I said that I just felt the need- I don't know I really don't know anymore liss"

A guard approched the two of us

"Sir I'm sorry but you need to come with us"

I quickly connected my lips with hers and had the taste of her lips one more time.

There was so much passion, so much love, so much lust, so much heartbreak.

I regretfully separated my lips from hers and let the guards take me away.


He was gone. I couldn't kiss him every night anymore, I couldn't whisper his name and tell him I love him every night before falling asleep. I couldn't-

My thoughts were interrupted by multiple camera flashes in my face.

"Alissa please give us an update on jake"

"Alissa his fans are dying to know what happened"

"Did he really kill someone"

"How does it feel to be dating a murderer"

"Are these claims true?"

"Maybe he tried to kill her aswell but couldn't"

"He dosent love Alissa he's a snake and a murderer"


"ENOUGH!" I screamed and suddenly they all went quiet. The flashing stopped. The yelling stopped.

"Jake hasn't been given a sentence yet, so I don't know, I know as much as you guys do"

Suddenly they all started flashing again.


I just sat on a chair outside, put my knees to my chest and cried

Man I cried

I could feel the knees on my pants becoming damp.

I could feel tears flowing like a river from my soul.

I could feel everything I love being slowly ripped away from me.


The baby,


Before I knew it everyone started flooding back into the court room.

This was it.

It was time.

More talking,

More mumbling,

"Court will return tomorrow"

What ?

Is that possible?

"Jake Joseph Paul you may spend one last night with your family before your final sentencing"

Oh my god.

We have one last night together.

He left his seat and I ran to hug him.

"Jake" I said into his shoulder.

"It's okay" he whispered while running his fingers through my hair.

He jumped into the drivers seat of his focus RS and we started to head home.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him.

"To protect you" he mumbled.

I looked at him and he quickly glanced back before focusing his eyes on the road.

I had no words.

He pulled up the drive where team 10 sat to greet us- well me.

"Jake?" Marcus asked, confused on why he was back and not in jail.

"I have one last night buddy" jake said as he slammed the car door shut.

Jake hugged everybody before we all headed inside.

"Yo Crompton" Jake called to Nick who was sitting at his desk quietly.

"Yes jake?" Nick asked.

"Can you please book a hotel for 2 tonight I want to make my last night with Alissa special" Jake told Nick.

I felt a blush rise up to my cheeks.

Jake grabbed my hand.

"Goodbye everyone, wish me luck for tomorrow" he said as everyone looked at him with upset faces.

We all did a giant group hug before me and Jake left the house hand in hand.

The Uber ride was silent until we pulled up at a massive stunning hotel.

Jake pulled me out of the car and snaked his arm around my waist pulling me as close to him as possible

We checked in and headed to our room.

Jake pushed me against the wall and started kissing me.

I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist as we headed to the bed.

One. Last. Night.



For y'all who were interested in my wattpad q&a it's up now on my YouTube channel!

(Link is in my page bio)

Also I am aware that court probably works nothing like this lol... this is wattpad anything is possible 😂

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