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i really hope that you'll get this letter! how are you? i hope you're doing well and you've been having enough rest. please don't overwork yourself to the point where you injure yourself or fall sick! anyway, the reason why i'm writing to you is so that i can tell you some english phrases! or teach? ㅋㅋㅋ. i've been practicing my korean for more than a year now so that i can talk to you guys if i ever meet you, watch your new videos without the need of subtitles! my korean isn't perfect so please just bare with me. i really wish that i can meet you some day and just tell you how much i admire you. i'm going to start saving up as well so that i can go to korea during my holiday and hopefully see you!

goodnight, sweet dreams.

when saying goodnight you can say sweet dreams to the other person to express good wishes for sweet dreams!

let's meet in our dreams tonight.

basically means to meet in our dreams tonight! something sweet to say to someone you're maybe interested in or love? i don't know. it sounds very cute and sweet to me~ i like it a lot!!

that's all for now! i really hope you'll receive this letter

with love,

chae yeon

a week later;

jooheon had a vlive. it was night time in korea. for chae yeon, it was an only hour earlier than in korea. luckily for chae yeon, she could understand what was being said mostly. but what shocked chae yeon was something she'd only hoped she'd hear jooheon say.

"it's already late so you should all go to sleep! i'm going to sleep too! jalja! mon-night!"

"goodnight, monbebe! sweet dreams. let's meet in our dreams tonight! bye bye!"

it meant that jooheon had actually read the letter he has given. chae yeon was worried the whole time that the letter would not be delivered but surprisingly, it was! so, the address starship provided was really the actual adress and that the idols do get whatever we send them.

that night, chae yeon fell asleep with a smile on her face.

with love | jooheonWhere stories live. Discover now