Chapter 1

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Mine and mine only by Michelle


Zoe's POV

I walked into the house, asking myself, "what in the world is wrong with me?!"

I thought to the events from two nights ago, all I get is flashes of a paper white face , bared fangs , growling, and then after that only white searing pain in my neck.i woke up on the floor of the forest shuddering at the thought of who or what bit me. I raised my fingers to my neck brushing the mark sending a chilly feeling down my back.I don't see any changes. Darkness started to surround me.

The scene changed. I was in a forest. My fingers touched something soft and plush. I looked down at my body to see a gorgeous white dress. The top was tight and hugged my curves then it got puffed out at the bottom.

I stared at the dress in awe. I was to busy admiring the exotic piece of clothing that I didn't notice the presence of someone behind me until a tree branch snapped.

I turned swiftly startled by the noise and i stared startled at a pair of jade green eyes. I gasped and stepped back terrified.

"who are you?," I demanded in a shaky voice.

While waiting for an answer i was able to get a good look at "him". He was ghostly pale,the most vibrant green eyes, and dark-light curls on top of his head. Who is he? Darkness was obscuring most of him so i couldn't look at the rest of him. I mentally shook my head. Bad Zoe stop checking him out! 

"Like what you see?", he asked with a smug look ,which snapped me out of my daze. I rolled my eyes in annoyance

"Why don't you answer my question first?" I asked in a sassy tone. All of a sudden i felt a blow which made me fall to the floor with a groan "what the fuck?!" I yelled.

He spoke in a angry hiss "Don't you dare speak to me like that i am who made you what you are!". Before i could reply i was cast back into darkness awaking in the swath of sheets.

I lay there thinking, trying to process what the stranger meant. Questions swimming around in my brain.What did he mean by what you are? Who is he? How did he find me? Is he someone that i am supposed to remember? I clutched the sheets tighter. 

I jolted up suddenly remembering that night in the woods and become horrified at the thought of what might've happened. I dialed the unknown number that had been practically burned into my brain since that night.

"Hello?" I asked through the phone. 

"So you finally figured it out?" Someone said on the other line in the same voice from the dream.

"No! I cant be dead ! I cant be a vampire!" I wailed in despair. Why? Why does this happen to me? All my life i did as i was told with no complaints and this is what i get? Now i understand that life really is unfair. 

"Too bad you shouldn't have been out that night." The other vampire stated plainly.

"Why don't you show yourself instead of sending me these little messages?!" I said angrily this time then the line went dead.

I let out a breath that i didn't know i had been holding,i turned quickly when i heard a breath and there he was standing there looking down at me

"What do you want?!" I said in a harsh voice.

"Oh come on sweetie you don't have to be so mean," He said like he was actually nice. Pfft in his dreams.

"Ok ill stop but if you are going to be invading my privacy i could at least get to know a bit about you and what you did to me. Please?" I asked sweetly hoping to actually get on his good side.

"okay what do you want to know ,then?" He asked without the menacing voice which had been replaced with a kind one."What's your name ?" I asked in a soft voice. "harry," he  said in a voice which was deep and rough.

"Well ,tell me more about this later,can you please make your two feet move torwards the door and kindly leave,please? "i said in a voice that was practically dripping venom

He looked suprised but its was quickly replaced with his usual arrogant look "oh love that might not be a wise choice considering your weaker than me since you were barely reborn "

i groaned "but im tired and  i dont want you of all people in here "i stated sleepily. "well im staying whether you like it or not"he said while sitting at the same time."fine you do that!"i said going into my room and plopping down on the bed trying to let sleep over take me.

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