chapter 6

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Edited by lilabby_ 2015

Harry's p.o.v

I stood to open the door. I opened and was met with the sight of Zoe carrying Sire like she weighed a thousand pounds. I quickly took Sire from Zoe's arms and saw relief wash her face

"Oh god thank you, it felt like carrying a ton of bricks" She sighed in relief.

"Zoe you know she's not that heavy," I demonstrated this by picking her up easily and laying her on the bed in the bedroom of darkest color.

Afterward I returned to find zoe messing with the fringes on the end of the tablecloth and smiled softly. I came up behind her slowly and began tickling her. Immediately she began giggling

"Harry! Oh gosh! Stop!" She said through her giggling fit.

"Aww fine" I said grinning and stopped as I sat by her on the floor. We sat there regaining our breath from all the laughing, her face looked beautiful even the crinkles by her eyes as she smiled softly.

I cleared my throat turning slightly red. "Err umm that was fun" I said nervously.

"Yeah it sure was, your turn now!" She said as she lunged at me, tickling my sides as I laughed.

"Zoe please.....s...s..t....op!" I said through my loud laughs which were echoing throughout the house. Suddenly I heard a small shift in the bedroom where I left Sire and got up quickly.

"What's wrong?" Zoe asked switching from amused to concerned."She's awake" I replied plainly and grabbed her arm as I walked to the bedroom and opened the door. My face the look of one shocked (also on Zoe's face) at how quickly Sire had recovered.

"Harry?!" She screamed in astonishment with a hint of malice.

"What the hell is going on here?"Zoe said clearly annoyed and impatient. If I were in her shoes I would have reacted the same way.

I snapped out of my trance and asked, "I don't know you, do I know you?"

Sire angrily stood up from the bed and marched over to me. "Hm don't remember me eh? Well I certainly remember you. You came into our human village and paraded around as if you were better than us. Do ya remember now? Huh?" she shouted as her face flushed from anger.

My face probably showed confusion then realization. My expression softened at this, "Yes, I remember now but that's not how things were if you'll just let me-". Before I could say anything else she pushed past me and Zoe.

I saw her run down the hallway quickly and was about to go after her when Zoe placed her hand on my shoulder stopping me in my tracks. "Let her be Harry, give her some time to recover. " She spoke softly.

I turned just in time to see the tears run down her cheek and watch her walk away quickly. Knowing there would be no way in following because she wouldn't listen...

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