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above, you'll find the ending credits sort of video that concludes the series, a video i wanted to make for you guys to close this series.

do you like it?

by the way... IT IS MY FAVORITE VIDEO EDIT I HAVE EVER MADE!! this song, first of all (it's called 'Run Away' by dvsn) goes so perfectly with Harry and Caroline's journey, and its one of my favorite songs. i made this edit months ago, and i watch it way too much for it to be normal lol.

so... i have a lot to address in this little epilogue.

one thing is that i started the Weapons series a year ago, back in March of 2017, and i find it kind of cool that it took me a whole year to develop, indulge, and create such a story that has impacted me in many ways, and that i hope has impacted you somehow, whether it be a good laugh, distraction, or even brought out some emotions from you.

this book changed a lot for me in so many good ways. it might be a simple, harry fanfic to you, but it really has made me grow as a person/writer.

as i've said countless times, i have never fell so in love with my own book characters until this series. hell, i only planned for book one, so the fact that i went and made a sequel says a lot, especially since i never thought i'd do such a thing. i changed when writing this book, i became more involved in a sense, and more invested because it was a book i was excited over, they were characters i could relate to, and i was in my element. my writing style improved to the point where i outlined every chapter, and i even brought my style higher by editing photos and videos to help you and me picture the chemistry change between the two.

did you like these edits? the photos, the videos? did they make the book just that much more exciting?

i feel like i really grew up with this book. i've learned and struggled with time management between this and high school, and most importantly, i've kind of realized what i've wanted to do with my life with this book. guys, i want to make this a movie. i want to study film, i'm already directing and starring in my own horror film at school, and this book would be on my list to make into a movie. i've also realized just how much i love writing and making my own world, and i want to publish this someday too.

there's something i really have to say to all of you who've read this series, and that is thank you. as Harry always says, I want to say a massive thank you for all your support, whether you voted and commented, or were lowkey but present. if you have been a reader regardless, comment! i'd love to thank you personally! if i didn't have any of you here, this book wouldn't be where it is, and i wouldn't feel so heavily blessed and happy! every vote, read, and comment has put a smile on my face. i've met so many wonderful people through this book, even a best friend, and i appreciate all of you so much. i'm always up for making new friends, so if you want to talk, let me know!

another thing i need to address is the original ending i had for this book, which i am TOTALLY glad i never chose to do! essentially, after Caroline was shot by fucking Mike in Paris, Harry would wake up in Chicago, and we'd find out that he was brought back when the authorities came, and he's in the mental hospital, and has been for several months. in these several months, we find out that Harry hasn't seen Caroline since. Ryan, who visits him often, would stop by this day and finally agree to sneak Harry over to visit her... because she's in the mental hospital too.

they'd sneak over to her and find her chained up in bed, under a psychosis... just like Abigail was. she lost it after losing the baby while in surgery, and they stuck her in the same hospital with Harry. she hasn't spoken, cared to eat, or anything since. Harry visits her and he's heartbroken, and Ryan is tense about sneaking him here, but Harry doesn't care, and he lays in bed with her and holds her, and she finally kind of wakes up.

not that this ending wouldn't have been a lot to take, but you agree that the ending i did was like way better, right??

anyway, lastly, i really hope you'd be interested in following up on my next story?

my newest story, Heaven + Hell, will also be a romantic comedy! the teaser is up. it deal with a demon harry meeting an angel who plans to convert him to the good side! i really think that if you liked Weapons, you'll love this.

so, please tell me, finally, did you like the series? what was your favorite part? favorite character?

would you read it again? i hope you decide to revisit these lovebirds in the future!

here's a hug, from me to you, from Harry to Caroline... agh, my last edit!

thank you for everything.

thank you for everything

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