Chapter Four~ Morning With The Boys

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Jessica's P.O.V
I wake up the next morning to Makayla poking my cheek.

"What do you want child?"

"Somebody to talk to I'm the only girl awake, Crystal and Louis are still sleeping."

I look over to see them curled up side by side fast asleep.

"That's so cute I wonder what time they came in."

"What do you mean?"

"I woke up around three and I didn't know where Crystal went so I checked the patio. She was sitting in a chair crying because she had a nightmare that Louis was shot. He came out asking what happen and she was crying to hard to explain. So I did and then he picked her up and put her on his lap. Started talking to her so I came in and told Niall when he asked."

"Awe that had to of been a horrible thing to dream about."

"I know so where are the guys at?"

"In the kitchen they wanted food and I needed someone else to talk to, I would have woke Crystal but I've missed you and she would have killed me."

"She wouldn't have killed you maybe kick you but not kill you."

"She would get Louis after me and I don't feel like getting sassed at right now."

I quitely laugh standing up and head to the bathroom before entering the kitchen. Stretching I wave to the guys sitting down.

"Look who's awake it's Jessica!"

"Liam you don't have to shout so loud it's too early."

"But it's nine in the morning not seven."

"I know but I just got up besides Crystal and Louis are still asleep."

"Well let's go wake them up."

"Harry don't do that, it's not a smart idea."

Harry just laughs before heading into the living room. We all follow after him and watch as he bends down near the sleeping siblings.

"Louis, Crystal wake up its after nine."

"Go away and let us sleep Harold please."

"But Louis we want you guys to come and talk with us."

He continues to beg asking Louis to get up and Louis groans.

"Harold Styles, shut the fuck up."

"Who pissed in your corn flakes Crystal?"

"I'm going to piss on you now go away I'm so tired."

"But you went to bed before the rest of us did! How could you possibly be tired still?"

"I was up in the middle of the night now stop."

"But why?"

"Louisss make him leave please."

"Harry she had a nightmare and we ended up staying awake till seven thirty."

"She could have said that instead of being mean."

"Makaylaaaa, Harry won't shut up and leave us alone please help."

"Harry come on love, before something bad happens."

"Too late."

I whisper as Crystal reaches over punching Harry's arm, he walks back over to Makayla who's trying not to laugh as he pouts.

"Baby she punched me."

"Oh you're a big boy suck it up."

"I'll show you a big boy."

Harry throws Makayla onto his shoulder and outside.

"I swear Harry if you throw me in that pool you're sleeping alone."

"I have Liam."

He replies, before dumping her in the pool I walk into the kitchen getting a bowl of cereal as Makayla walks in rushing up the stairs and Harry follows after her.

"Well it's not even noon and it's already been an eventful day."

"I agree with you Zayn it has been."

I say taking a bite of my coco pops after a few minutes of silence Makayla comes down grabbing a bowl getting some cereal too.

"Did you have a good swim?"

"Shut up Niall."

"I was just asking."

"Well ask Harry how he feels about sleeping alone for the next three days."

"How does it feel Harry?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

I finish my cereal laughing quietly, before going upstairs and getting a shower. When I come back down I see Crystal sitting on the counter hugging Niall. Louis rubbing her back mumbling in her ear I sit next to Makayla and scroll through my phone when I get a text.

'Do you want to spend the day shopping?'

'Sure let's see if Crystal wants to go.'

'Already ahead of you :)'

'Crystal do you wanna go shopping??? x'


I look over at her smiling and she hops down and we head upstairs leaving the boys in the kitchen. Once she's dressed we tell the boys where we are going and head out the door.

"So where are we going first?"

Crystal asks pulling out of the driveway and down the road opening the windows.

"Let's go to Primark."

"That's a good idea we can go there first and second Lush I want some bath stuff."

Crystal nods her head before turning the radio on we jam along to the radio as we head into the city.

"Here Jessica put these on, it will sort of keep people from looking at you. And they will block the sun from hurting your eyes.

"Thank you very much."

I say taking the sunglasses from her as we climb out of the car linking our arms we head into the shop.
Hey guys here is a new update I have my nephew till the 2nd so I have no idea how much I can update. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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