127. A Narry Fact (114)

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A Narry Fact:

So a few days ago, Niall paid Harry a visit, just showing up on his concert out of blue.

So a few days ago, Niall paid Harry a visit, just showing up on his concert out of blue

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It finally loaded after 15 minutes! But hi, Niall.

It finally loaded after 15 minutes! But hi, Niall

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Your boyfriend is amazing, isn't he?

And at least Harry can sing, not like some other people (sorry narryelounor1117  really, I'm so sorry that you had to hear that especially when I have a cold and my voice sounds even worse than normally)

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And at least Harry can sing, not like some other people (sorry narryelounor1117  really, I'm so sorry that you had to hear that especially when I have a cold and my voice sounds even worse than normally).

And at least Harry can sing, not like some other people (sorry narryelounor1117  really, I'm so sorry that you had to hear that especially when I have a cold and my voice sounds even worse than normally)

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Niall is so proud and happy...

Niall's turning his head to tell his friend how proud he is to be Harry's boyfriend

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Niall's turning his head to tell his friend how proud he is to be Harry's boyfriend...

Niall's turning his head to tell his friend how proud he is to be Harry's boyfriend

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Honestly, Niall is the happiest person there.

And Grace said that she watched videos from that concert and Harry had lgbtqa+ flag on stage and he sang WMYB so... Narry is just real.

And a random question:

What's better coffee or tea?

I mean coffee is life...

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