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Record Scratch

Caius had just seen Athenodora off and now walked aimlessly through the corridors. She had packed so quickly and Aro was shocked at first, but not against her leaving. In fact after the shock left, a few seconds, he saw her off as well with a wide smile. Sulpicia was a bit heartbroken. She cried. Luckily, Corin was there. Renata and Heidi also consoled her. Caius couldn't figure out what he was supposed to feel at her leaving. He didn't feel anything at the moment, except the urge to fill his mind with stories that weren't his.

His walk to the library was short, but when he came to the doors leading in, he heard something he hadn't heard in a while. Singing.

I've been convincing myself that I'm worthwhile
Cause I'm worth what I'll convince myself to be

I met the devil and I stared him in the eyes
His hair had scales like silver serpents
I, a statue, stood there mesmerized

Caius walked into the library silently. It seemed the human resident had found the piano. That meant she had, most likely, found his reading bench. He walked slowly so she could finish whatever she was doing, but she stopped suddenly. There was a pause and then it started up again, the same verse at the beginning, though the words had changed slightly.

I took the fire escape and made it out alive
Yeah I still burn from time to time but I've a healing hand against my side

Caius leaned against one of the bookshelves, listening to the singing. It sounded like how he imagined angels sang. Light vocal choice, yet heavy hard hitting words. He shut his eyes as the song came to a slow end and the piano became soft.

Nourished back to life by life alone
With one shake of the mane regain the throne

Caius heard Hero hum seemingly in satisfaction and then he stepped from his hiding spot. "Did you write it?" He asked and she turned suddenly, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Uh-" She cut off and turned back around. ".. yeah... Well, I had help..." She paused, clearing her throat. "Edward Cullen helped with the piano composition." She admitted. Caius rolled his eyes at the mention of the member of the Olympic Coven. "He taught me how to play..."

".. It was beautiful." He said and she looked back at him instantly brightening.

"Thank you." She then cleared her throat, smile falling and Caius felt something hit him in the chest. "I guess.."

"Why do you 'guess'?" He asked as he walked closer sitting on the side of the bench that she hadn't taken. She shrugged fiddling with a page in the notebook on top of the piano.

"Because of... We-ll.." She hesitated and then shook her head with a sigh. "Nothing. Thank you for the compliment." She said and turned back to the piano, fiddling with the corners of her notebook.

".. So.." Caius winced at his own lousy conversational skills. "What was it like living with the Cullens?"

There was a pause in the room and Hero looked over at the blonde man. He was facing away from her and she thought briefly that she saw a blush flood his cheeks. But that was impossible for more than one reason. Vampires couldn't blush because they were dead and Caius Volturi, the poised vampire king, couldn't possibly be nervous or embarrassed about talking to her.

"I honestly don't care, but.."
~record scratch~

"Then why would you ask?" She scoffed turning back to her notebook. She actually thought he cared for a second. Obviously, she thought wrong. She scribbled something down at the bottom of the page before playing a small run on the piano keys.

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