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"Cup of coffee,huh?"Camila smiled pulling out a chair and sittinwg down "I'm guessing its going to be a long night?".

"Oh definitely"He smiled taking a sip from his cup and putting it down taking a deep breath "What do you think happened to her?".

"Definitely Abuse"Camila nodded "Pretty much what always happens" she shrugged not thinking of what else could have happened to Lauren.

"And what always happens?"He asked furrowing his eyebrows together.

"You know, I mean like abuse and rape there's plenty of cases like this"Camila shrugged once again "I don't mean it in a bad way its just-".

"Just what Camila?"

"Why did you bring her into our house? What's so different from her than the others? Why did you decide that she should get a second chance?"Camila questioned her father.

"You're mother had brought her to my office and I was just confused as you were. Asking the same questions but-but"Ale had his head down with both his hands on his head. The only thing Camila could hear was a tear drop fall onto the table.

"Dad?"She tapped his shoulder.

He looked up slowly tears streaming down his face with a small smile "Do you know how lucky she is right now?".

She shakes her head.

"5 months old she has been sexually abused, Beaten, dropped, starved, and god knows what else! I couldn't even finish reading her file" Her father sat back into his chair "When she was taken to the hospital her fucking mother lied about what had happened and you know what?".


"They fucking believed every word she said! How stupid do you have to be?"He spat out angrily "She had a chance to be saved and just like that it was gone...and the  tortured continued" He grabbed his mug and chugged whatever was left of the coffee "She was chained up in a basement,She had to do certain things to get Water and food".

"What kinds of things?"

"I guess, you could say she was a sex slave"Ale shrugged "5 year old sex slave".

Camila sat in silence her throat ran dry.

"She got so used to everything that she thought it was normal, she thought life was supposed to be like that and that she deserved everything" Ale got up walking over to the sink and put his cup down "I'm not sure what happened to her after that. The files are still coming in as we speak".

"Why was she okay with sleeping next to me?"Camila asked confused "She was fine but then she got up and went down stairs".

"She's used to sleeping next to people,Camila"Ale shrugged "When she would know, she normally had to sleep next to them until they left".

Camila slightly nodded "Did she think...I was going to you know..would that explain why she ran down stairs?".

"Maybe, I'm not sure I would have to ask your mother about that"Ale shrugged "She said that Lauren seems to get attached real quick to people even if they're to her".

Camila bit her lip trying to understand.

"Seems confusing right?"Ale chuckled "She's used to getting hit, she thinks its what she needs all the abuse but at the same the she wants it to stop, she just doesn't know how".

Ale walked out the kitchen and upstairs closing the bedroom door behind him seeing Sinu asleep with papers surrounding her. He smiled shaking his head.

Camila had been down stairs for awhile watching TV and texting Dinah.

How's Lauren?

She's good

Any news about her?

I kinda figured out what happened to her. Whys she's here and stuff

Is it bad?

yea...and yet there still so much we don't even know yet

The files are still coming in

What happened to her?

A lot of things

I'll explain on Monday

Camila turned off her phone and the TV walking up stairs and into her bedroom. She heard the bathroom door open and footsteps going down stairs all she could do was sigh.
Lauren was going to sleep on the couch again.

Hours have passed and Camila was deep in sleep while Lauren stayed up sitting on the couch with nala in her arms and tears falling down her cheeks. Every time she closed her eyes she could see them...and there was no escape from them.

"Lauren?"A voice called out from u upstairs as they took a step down "Are you okay?".


She turned on the lights seeing Lauren with nala clutching onto her tight with her red puffy eyes. Camila sat on the couch next to Lauren "Whats wrong?".

"I keep seeing them"Lauren cried out "They're stuck in my head!" She began hitting her head violently.

"Stop it"Camila said grabbing Lauren's hands rather harshly which made Her panic "I didn't mean to grab you like that but you can't just hit yourself like that".

"I don't want to see the anymore"Lauren cried even harder shaking her head "Get them away!".

Camila sighed grabbing Lauren and hugging her tightly as she fought to get Away from Camila's grip which hurt like hell but she finally stopped.


"I'm s-sorry"Lauren whispered "Did I hurt you?".

"Of course not"Camila lied "I'm actually sorry for grabbing you like that...I shouldn't have done that but I calmed you down right?".


Lauren pulled away and grabbed her nala bringing her in front of her face "T-thank you".

"Anytime, I mean it" Camila said with a strength face "Don't hurt yourself like that,okay?".

Lauren nodded.

"Now, will you please come up stairs with me?"Camila pleaded.

Lauren shakes her head "I Like sleeping here".

"Stop lying"Camila almost snorted "I've slept here and it feels like literal rocks".

Lauren shrugged "Its better than what I used to sleep on".

Camila frowned cursing herself to be more careful about what she says "Okay, I'll leave you be but if you ever change your mind you know where to find me".

"Thank you"

Camila grunted slamming her hand on her alarm clock, she felt a sticky note one her clock and took if off reading it.

Morning baby!:)
Lauren will be going to school today with you so please make sure that you take good care of her.
Love you,

Camila got up groaning getting out of her bed and walking down stairs seeing Lauren cuddled up with nala. She looked back down at the note "Do I have to wake her up?".

She sighed shaking Lauren and waking her up.

"Come on, loser. We're going to school"

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